Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Legendary Enemies (Location Guide)

There are 13 Legendary Enemies, as of now, found across the planets in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Here are the locations for each one of them.

Apart from the common enemies that you will be fighting against in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, there are Legendary Enemies as well. To spot and defeat them, you will need to go through quests or do a bit of exploration. These Legendary Beasts or Enemies will push you to your limit. However, fighting them is worth it as they drop rewards after getting slayed. Most of them are found inside hidden locations such as caves. So, here’s a location guide that will help you to find out every Legendary Enemy in Jedi Survivor.

Several types of Legendary Enemies or Beasts are usually more evolved forms of the standard enemies. There are chances that you may obtain an Essence Crystal, a Stim Container, or a New Perk after defeating them. With that out of the way, here are the locations where you should look out for these Legendary Beasts respectively.

Where to Find Legendary Enemies in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Rancor Legendary Enemy

Here are the locations where you can find all the Legendary Enemies in Star Wars Jedi Survivor:


  • Location – Sodden Groto, Koboh

Upon visiting Rambler’s Reach, an NPC will inform you about some miners trapped inside a cave in Sodden Groto. At the end of that cave, you can find the enormous Rancor. Upon defeating this Legendary Enemy in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, you will obtain the Shatter Perk.

Spawn of Oggdo

Image Source – 100% Guides (YouTube)
  • Location – Fort Kah’lin, Koboh

This Legendary Beast is a returning boss from the Fallen Order game. To find it, you need to head to Fort Kah’lin (Bedlam Raider Camp). The most convenient way to reach this Spawn of Oggdo is by crossing the Untamed Downs. From there, you can take a right turn to reach a Jedi Temple. Once you are inside the Fort Kah’lin Camp, use Graple to climb up the towers. Further, go to the circular arena as shown in the image so that the ground opens and you fall down. Right there, you will find this Legendary Enemy in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. You will be rewarded with a Poncho Outfit and Force Tear after defeating the Spawn of Oggdo.

Sutaban Alpha

  • Location – Crypt of Uhrma, Jedha

While heading toward Pligrim’s Sanctuary, you will eventually reach the Crypt of Uhrma. There’s a puzzle that you need to solve to move ahead on the path. Pass through the green barrier in the pool area to encounter a Subatan Alpha. You can then obtain the Gambler Perk & redeem its benefit.

The Massiff

  • Location – Lucrehulk Core/Yurt Barracks, Koboh

During the campaign missions, you will enter the Lucrehulk. Once there, you need to travel and progress to the point you reach Yurt Barracks. You then need to use the Lift & Slam Power to unlock a door and fight this Legendary Enemy known as Massif in Jedi Survivor. Successfully defeating this creature will guarantee you some XP Essence.

Beetu Deetu

  • Location – Southern Reach, Koboh

Firstly, head to the Southern Reach Meditation Point on Rambler’s Outpost. After walking a few, the Beetu Deetu droid Legendary Enemy will spawn in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. You can defeat him very easily without any hassle.

Gorocco Matriarch

  • Location – Southern Reach, Koboh

On Koboh, go to the Derelict Damn region and enter the tunnel with a Rolling Mine Spawner. Make the spawner follow you to the right side where you will find a workbench and elevator. You need to toss the spawner on a breakable wall nearby. Then get past that wall and head to the top.

You then need to use a lift to reach up where you will find another door. Use the Lift & Slam power to open the door. Right there, you will find the Gorocco Matriarch Legendary Adversary (Enemy) in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Defeating this boss will get you a Stim container.

Mire Terror

  • Location – Viscid Bog, Koboh

First things first, head to the Gorge Crash Site fast travel point on Koboh planet. Now, you need to use the Lift & Slam power to access the elevator & reach all the way down. Once you have reached down, take a left turn & lift the stone pillar to finally reach the Mire Terror Legendary Beast. Slay this boss and get a Stim container as your reward.


  • Location – Untamed Downs, Koboh

This Legendary Beast in Star Wars Jedi Survivor is a Droideka found in the Untamed Downs region. Look out for a rock formation in the center where you can easily find a base with a green barrier. Further, you need to use Merrin’s Charm to pass through it. After which, you must use your Lift & Slam power to open a door behind which, you will encounter an E3-VE3. Defeating this monster grants you some XP Essence.

Urgost, Fist of Rayvis

  • Location – Mountain Observatory, Koboh

You will square off against this Legendary Beast during the main quests. Anyways, you can find it in the Mountain Observatory.

Vile Bilemaw

  • Location – Fogged Expanse, Koboh

While exploring this area, you will come across a door behind which is a Mogu. Besides following that path, head over to a cliffside area (with roller mines nearby). You should then see a ledge across that will drop you on a mudslide. Follow it to enter the Vile Bilemaw’s lair & fight him. Claim the victory in this battle to unlock the Fortitude Perk.

Golden Skriton

  • Location – Desert Ridge, Jedha

Head to the Desert Ridge region near the Anchorite Base. Now, make your way to the other side near the Sheltered Hollow. Hopefully, you will be able to see a Crystal at a distance by this point. Closing in near that crystal light will spawn the Golden Skriton Legendary Enemy in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Go head-to-head and defeat this creature to obtain an Unflinching Perk.

Frenzied Jotaz

  • Location – Undercity Meats, Coruscant

To be able to fight this enemy, you need to unlock the Electric Dart ability. Since you can return back to Coruscant even during mid-game, just make sure to unlock the mentioned ability. You should now head to the Undercity Meats region and enter the chamber with a green barrier and batteries. Therein, you need to use the Electric Dart to open the locked door. Behind this, you will find your Legendary Beast in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Once you have defeated the Frenzied Jotaz, you will receive some XP Essense in return.


  • Location – Hangar 2046-C, Coruscant

You need to have the Electric Dart ability to be able to come across this Legendary Enemy in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Once you have this ability, head to the Hangar 2046-C travel point and use the elevator to go up. After reaching on top, look out for a battery and shoot it with the Electric Dart. Doing so will spawn this Legendary Enemy in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Lastly, you will receive a Slice DT Sentry ability for your BD-1.

That’s everything from your side on the list of Legendary Enemies & their locations in Jedi Survivor. While on the hunt for these creatures, you must have the Best Skills equipped. Thankfully, check out our guide on it right here on Gamer Tweak.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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