League of Legends: Wild Rift’s best champions tier list will give you the best champions to pick for every lane that you pick. This list will show you all the best and worst champions for each lane, make sure to pick the best or closest to the best.
Not all characters that you select will be great for all the lanes, and depending on their strengths and weaknesses you will be able to determine which course of action suits you best. While this list does not have all the LoL characters, as of yet, if you’re just getting into the game. This will save you a lot of time.
Leagues Of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List
We’ve mentioned all the lanes that you can pick for your respective champions, we highly recommend having at least one S tier champion in your roster as this will boost your odds of winning the game.
Top/Baron Lane Tier List Champions
The top of the map where your champions should act as a tank and absorb attacks while the rest can take out enemies.
S Tier Champions
- Camille
- Darius
- Wukong
- Fiora
A Tier Champions
- Garen
- Kennen
- Malphite
- Pantheon
- Renekton
B Tier Champions
- Teemo
- Dr. Mundo
- Jax
- Nasus
C Tier Champions
- Tryndamere
- Singed
Mid Lane Tier List Champions
The mid lane is reserved for champions that are mobile with high damage, this will allow you to get in and out of battles without having to incur a lot of damage.
S Tier Champions
- Akali
- Galio
- Katarina
- Orianna
- Ahri
- Aurelion Sol
A Tier Champions
- Corki
- Diana
- Lux
- Yasuo
B Tier Champions
- Zed
- Fizz
- Pantheon
C Tier Champions
- Twisted Fate
- Ziggs
- Annie
Dragon Lane Marksman Tier List Champions
The Dragon Lane is filled with bots and you should always have a champion with an ADC or Support role.
S Tier Champions
- Kai’Sa
- Xayah
- Draven
- Jinx
A Tier Champions
- Jhin
- Miss Fortune
- Ezreal
- B Tier Champions
- Tristana
- Varus
C Tier Champions
- Ashe
- Vayne
Dragon Lane Support Tier List Champions
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S Tier Champions
- Alistar
- Braum
- Lulu
- Janna
A Tier Champions
- Nami
- Rakan
- Seraphine
- Leona
B Tier Champions
- Seraphine
- Sona
C Tier Champions
- Blitzcrank
- Soraka
Jungle Lane Tier List Champions
Here you should select champions that will allow you to defeat monsters that roam in the jungle. This will allow you to collect things like Gold, Experience, and buffs.
S Tier Champions
- Evelynn
- Lee Sin
- Olaf
A Tier Champions
- Vi
- Amumu
- Gragas
- Shyvana
- Wukong
B Tier Champions
- Graves
- Jarvan IV
C Tier Champions
- Master Yi
- Xin Zhao
This is the entire Leagues Of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List, this should give you an idea about what champions are best suited for the lane that you pick.