Manor Lords: How To Put Out Fire & Tips For Prevention

Putting out Fire in Manor Lords is a difficult but achievable task. Here’s a guide that can help you with it.

While running a Town in Manor Lords, you will face several obstacles, and a fire outbreak is one of them. Spreading Fire is a disaster that can do more damage than Bandits, if not taken care of properly. Because if you don’t act immediately, it will eat every single structure in your settlement. Sounds like a real threat, right? Don’t worry, here’s how you can put out the fire in Manor Lords and save yourself a fortune.

What are the Causes of Fire in Manor Lords

fire outbreak in manor lords
Fire outbreak due to lightning strike. Image Credits to GameRiot

Before we learn how to extinguish the fire, let’s check out how they break out in the first place. As of now, there are two primary causes of fire and they include Lightning Strikes and Raider’s invasion. Speaking of Lightning, it can hit any random building in your town when the weather looks too bad. And for the Raiders, their invasion often leads to chaos. Their sole motive is to cause destruction and in the process, they can light up your buildings.

How to Put Out Fire in Manor Lords

villagers putting out fire in Manor Lords

When a fire breaks out, the people in your town will attempt to extinguish it. They will carry water from nearby Wells and use it to put out fires in Manor Lords. To make their tasks easier, you can place multiple Wells across different areas in the town. If the villagers act quickly, they can easily stop the fire from getting strong. Otherwise, the building will turn into rubble leaving you with nothing.

If you have extra resources with good Regional Wealth, you can always rebuild the building. Since there’s no Fire Insurance to cover up your loss, you will have to bear it all on your own.

Tips to Prevent Fire

  • Place Wells strategically across the town so that villagers don’t waste much time walking around.
  • Create a good defensive boundary by recruiting Militia and Mercenaries. No Raider group should be able to get past your Army.
  • Make sure your buildings have sufficient gaps between them. It will prevent the fire from spreading.
  • Often, your own people can turn into Bandits and start doing criminal activities. So make sure to maintain Public Order by satisfying the needs of your people.
  • While setting up your game, you can choose to adjust Weather Events and Raiders Frequency. If both of them are disabled, none of structures will ever catch fire.

These are a few things you can do to put out the fire in Manor Lords. Now that you know how to take heat, why don’t you learn about surviving terrible Winters? We have a separate guide that can help you with it.