How to Survive the Terrible Winters in Manor Lords

Surviving the winters of Manor Lords can be quite tough and if you want your town to flourish, this guide has covered all you will need to do.

The First Winter will be one of the harshest challenges as a Lord as you need to get through it while making sure your settlement not only survives but also flourish. For players looking to survive winters in Manor Lords, collecting food and resources beforehand is a necessity. Food is bound to be scarce and players will need fuel to keep the fire running. Along with that, trading is bound to be expensive so you will also have to make sure that your town is wealthy before the winter hits.

The winter is lethal and your population will freeze and starve if your city is not ready. Food production and fuel consumption will be at an all-time high and growing crops or finding sources of fuel will be next to impossible. If you are wondering how to get through all of this, this guide is all you will need.

How to Survive Winters in Manor Lords

How To Survive The Terrible Winters In Manor Lords
Image via Manor Lords

These are some of the steps that you need to take to survive winters in Manor Lords:

  • The first step, players need to stockpile on as many crops as possible. Since farming won’t be an option, you cannot let the population starve.
  • Players will also need to horde Firewood to keep the fire running so the population will not freeze to death. If you have unlocked the Charcoal Burning skill in the Skill Tree, you can transform the Firewood into two pieces of Charcoal and that will double your fuel resources.
  • Once the winter starts, crops and berries will be unavailable and the only available source of food will be hunting wild animals.
  • Lastly, make sure that every family in your population has a home to live in. This will help them survive the lethal conditions of the winters.
  • If you are not afraid of decreasing your Approval rating, you can activate the Strict Fasting policy. This should reduce food consumption by 20% if you are running short on this resource.

That’s all you will need to survive winters in Manor Lords. If you are new to this game and need a little assistance, check out the Manor Lords Cheat Engine. For more such guides, do check out our Manor Lords dedicated section while you are here at Gamer Tweak.