Lost Ark

How To Refund Lost Ark On Steam Or Amazon

Here's all about how to refund Lost Ark Founder's Pack on Steam Or Amazon.

Lost Ark has become one of the most played games in the world right now. Even though it is a free-to-play game, there are DLC packs you can buy with real-world money. But many players are trying to refund them, either to upgrade or if the items are not for them. So today let’s look at what we know about how to refund Lost Ark Founder’s Pack on Steam or Amazon.

How to Refund Lost Ark Founder’s Pack on Steam or Amazon?

Lost Ark Refund was available for everyone who requested before 7th Feb 2022. This is because the Founder’s Pack, Apprentice Starter Pack, Explorer Starter Pack, Vanquisher Starter Pack all were considered as DLCs by both Amazon & Steam stores. So till the 7th, the option to return them was available for all. Now if you bought Founder’s Pack, Apprentice Starter Pack, Explorer Starter Pack, Vanquisher Starter Pack, or other in-game items from Amazon, they will not provide any refund at all. As per Amazon Games’ policy, any games or digital items you paid for are not refundable, nor are returnable.

In Steam, you are able to return any game within 2 weeks (playtime must be under 2 hours). But the in-game purchases and refunds will only depend on the Policy of the game developer. And as Amazon is not offering returns, a refund for Lost Ark is extremely difficult to get. Still, you can talk to the Steam support and convey the issues you are facing with the in-game items, state that none of the items are transferred to others, not consumed, and per the chat with the support team, you might be lucky to get a refund. There are users in the forums and social media sites who were able to get this. But for every successful story, there are many players who didn’t get any refunds.

That’s everything you need to know about how to refund Lost Ark Founder’s Pack on Steam or Amazon. While you are here,  check out more interesting topics in our Lost Ark Guides like Best Classes Tier ListMokoko Seeds LocationsWhich Server To Join (List), and more.

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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