Video Game Guides

Goose Goose Duck: How Many Players Can Be In A Lobby

Here is how many players you need in a Lobby for playing Goose Goose Duck.

While playing Goose Goose Duck you might wonder how many players are needed in a Lobby. This game offers several maps, 5 game modes, and a lot of sub-roles. Thus it is important to know what can be the minimum and maximum size of a lobby you play in. So in this guide check out how many players you can have in a Goose Goose Duck Lobby.

How Many Players are Needed In Goose Goose Duck

Up to 16 Players can play Goose Goose Duck at the same time. But that is the maximum number, you can still start a game with only 5 players. This multiplayer social deduction game has a lot to offer its players. So if you are wondering what should be your lobby size then you shouldn’t worry. Here is what you should know about the lobby sizes in this game:

  • Minimum Players in a Lobby: You need at least 5 players to play Goose Goose Duck.
  • Maximum Players in a Lobby: You can play with a total of 16 players in Goose Goose Duck.

The best part is this is applicable to both private and public lobbies. But just having a big number of player support isn’t enough. And that is why the game supports 5 different modes. So no matter what size your lobby is you should have fun playing this game nonetheless. Here is what you should know about each game mode:

  • Classic: Standard Gameplay where Ducks will try to kill everyone, while Geese try to survive.
  • Classic+: The goals are still the same for Geese and Ducks but this time there are several more sub-roles to spice things up.
  • Goosehunt: The Duck is out on the hunt to kill all Geese. They can’t eject the duck but can hide from them until the timer runs out to survive.
  • Dine And Dash: This is a red vs blue team mode. Ducks in red team can morph while Geese from blue team can turn into Vultures and a Falcon. The red team has to kill all members of the blue team while the blue team has to survive. The elements like vulture being able to eat team members and ducks being able to kill each other adds to the complexity.
  • Trick or Treat: In this mode, players play as Vampires or Villagers. Vampires win by turning every villager into a Thrall, while Villagers can win by voting out Vampires or having at least one survivor when the timer ends.

That covers this guide on how many players you need in a Goose Goose Duck Lobby. I suggest you also check out our guides on how to change your name, change color and check the server status to get more help in this game.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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