Video Game Guides

How To Find The Pipi Plant In Stranded Deep

Read this guide to know the location of the Pipi Plant in Stranded Deep.

Developed by Beam Team Games, this survival adventure takes you on a journey like no other. From crafting essential resources to fighting various creatures, the game has it all. One item which is incredibly vital is a plant known as Pipi. It is no ordinary plant by any sorts due to its multiple uses – including life-saving capabilities. In this guide, we will show you how find Pipi Plant in Stranded Deep.

How to Get the Pipi Plant in Stranded Deep [Location]

The pipi plant is found on large as well as small islands in the game. Its appearance is that of an oval patch of leaves with a small yellow flower in the center. You can find an average of 1-2 of these plants on every island.

The pipi is not a rare plant by any means. However, one of the reasons why players have trouble finding it is due to its appearance. The plant is quite similar when compared to
the other vegetation on the island. The only difference is that it has a yellow flower in the middle.

If you’re still finding it hard to find the pipi plant in Stranded Deep, you could try looking for it at night. This is because the tiny yellow flower is far more visible under the moonlight. The bright sun during the day will make your search all the more difficult. However, keep in mind that venturing out during the night limits your visibility to spot poisonous snakes and other creatures.

How to Use the Pipi Plant

The pipi plant can help you make antidotes and also craft shark repellents. Moreover, you can simply start farming them as well. Since there are only two pipi plants on the starter island, it’s important that you head to other islands in search of more.

Also Read: How to Cure Poison in Stranded Deep

An antidote can help cure the effects of poison from creatures like snakes and urchins. You will require two pipi plants and one coconut flask in order to make the antidote. It’s important that you start making a farm as soon as possible. This is because if you get poisoned early on, you will not have any pipi plants left to spare after crafting the antidote.

That’s all there is to know about where to find Pipi Plants in Stranded Deep. For more suh tips & tricks and location guides, head over to our Stranded Deep section right here.

Milton Dsouza

Milton is an open-world fanatic who is currently on his umpteenth replay of RDR2. Apart from exploring the Wild West on his Turkoman horse, he is also mesmerized by the outrageous building mechanics in Zelda TOTK and relishes engaging in PvP battles while playing Warzone DMZ. Fascinated by the Soulslike genre, Milton can't wait to set foot in Elden Ring next.

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