Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

How To Hack RDA Devices In Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

Here is how you can easily hack devices in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

In Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, you have various ways to fight for your cause, that is using human or Na’vi weapons. But regardless of the approach you choose one weapon that you will be using is the SID, also known as the Systems Interrogation Device. You will need it to hack the various securities of RDA.

Alexander Tremayne made the SID to help the resistance fight off the Resources Development Administration. Using it might appear difficult but once you get your hands on it, it can be fairly easy. So here is how it works and how you can unlock it.

How to Hack RDA Devices in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora

Image Credits: GamersPrey on YouTube

Hacking RDA can be easy or difficult depending on the security level of the device you are about to hack. However, the process is mostly the same for all.

  1. Walk up to the device that you want to hack and bring out the SID. Its controls are as follows:
    • L1 + Triangle for PlayStation
    • LB + Y for Xbox
    • 5-key for PC
  2. You can check where to use SID by looking for a wrench icon glowing beside the SID gun.
  3. After hacking for a while a mini-game appears.
  4. The goal is simple you have to trace the cursor to different keys and eventually to the end point.
    • You can do that by moving it around the wire.
    • Make sure to be fast as you have to do it within the given time.

After the hack is successful, you will be able to destroy or repair the device you just hacked. Interestingly, hacking isn’t the only use of your SID. You can also use it to track electrical wires in your surroundings, that is machines or in the ground.

The green ones are better because they represent the device is working as electricity is flowing in it. However, orange wires require you to find the source and fix it on the end where the electricity has stopped.

How to Unlock the Hacking Ability

You unlock the ability to hack devices fairly early on in the game. The mission that you need to complete is “Welcome to the Resistance”. No matter if you do or skip exploration, or even some side quests, you should reach it within a couple of hours.

That is all on how you can hack RDA Devices in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. While you are here don’t forget to check our other useful guides on how to increase your ammo capacity and energy.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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