Video Game Guides

God Of War PC VS PS5 Comparison – Which Is The Better Version Of The Game?

The PC version of God of War (2018) has come and here is the comparison article between it and the PS5 version, PC vs PS5 God of War.

On January 14, 2022, the God of War (2018) was released for the PC. This has brought a lot of questions to the players as to is better than its Console counterpart, PS5 Backwards Compatibility. With the release of the PC version, many changes and improvements have been made in terms of graphics and performance. In today’s guide, I will be discussing the debate on the PC vs PS5 comparison of God of War.

God of War PC vs PS5 Comparison – Which is Better?

The major differences between the PS5 and PC versions of God of War are the graphics and performance. The PC version has introduced a lot of Graphical Settings which goes from the Original Quality of the game from PS4 to Ultra and even Ultra+ in some options. Some of these Graphical options are Preset, Texture Quality, Model Quality, Anisotropic Filter, Shadows, Reflections, Atmospheres, & Ambient Occlusion. Like the PS5 enhanced version, the PC version of God of War supports 4K resolution with the full support of FSR & DLSS.

Along with these introductions come the support of 21:9 Ultra Wide FOV. This is for Monitors that have a 21:9 aspect ratio which enhances the scale in-game. This feature makes the God of War world as beautiful as possible. Monitors that don’t support it will have black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. The PC version also has 120 FPS frame rate support along with additional improved settings. This will make your gameplay as smooth as possible and is better than the 60 FPS from the PS5.

Conclusion of the Debate

From the above points, we can say that the PC version has brought in a lot of improvements in terms of graphics and performance when compared to the PS5 version of God of War. Although it is true, the difference is pretty minor. Yes, the graphics are better but the difference is very small as both versions can bring out the best quality. It is to be noted that the PC version has better Shadows & Lighting as well as better detailing.

But all of these advantages come at the cost of system performance. Beefy PCs that run high-end Graphic cards, NVIDIA or AMD, will be able to run the game well on its Ultra settings. Lower systems will suffer and at that point, the PS5 will become the better option. But if all of the minute details were eliminated, as per Graphic Quality the PC version is better than the PS5 for God of War. Then again this also becomes subjective. With lower-end PCSs, it is obvious that the PS5 will be more costly. But you will have to consider the fact that you will need to have a high-end PC to run God of War in Ultra Graphics. So the cost-efficient battle will go to the PS5.

Keep in mind that God of War was built for the PS so expect certain hiccups while playing the PC version. It won’t be as bad but it can be noticed if sought out. This was all about the PC vs PS5 comparison for God of War. Hopefully, this guide has helped you. You can also check out our guides on Difficulty Levels Explained & All Games In Order in God Of War.


Before you ask, yes my name is Darwin and no I am not Charles Darwin's cousin. But I do love everything Science, Games, and Anime. Think of me as your Baymax. Oh, I also like the Rubik's Cube.

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