
Death Ball: How To Beat Korblox And Get The Hunt Badge

Not sure where to find Korblox and what moves it uses? Find out about those and take it down for The Hunt badge in Death Ball.

Do you wish to take down the Korblox boss and earn The Hunt badge in Death Ball? Before jumping into the arena, you must first understand your opponent and its moves. The Korblox boss has multiple deadly abilities, and you won’t be notified about all of them. This will make the fight more challenging, even for veterans. Thus, it is best to skim through our guide and discover your advantages and disadvantages when facing this enemy.

How to Defeat Korblox and Get The Hunt Badge in Death Ball

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As you might already know from the game’s description, you must defeat the Korblox boss to get The Hunt badge. However, beating this boss is not going to be easy. You must understand its moves and your advantages before facing it. One of which is that you have five lives or Health. So, if played with caution and agility, you will get it in a few attempts. Additionally, the raid has a maximum capacity of 14 players, and it is a better option to go with friends.

You will find The Hunt: First Edition boss lobby portal on the right side of your spawn location. When you get near the door, you will get the teleport option, which you can use to join the lobby. Again, go toward the door that says “The Hunt: First Edition“. You will be teleported inside the raid room once the timer runs out. Like all other opponents, you attack the boss with the ball or through your abilities, and it does the same. Here are the moves you must avoid:

Korblox Boss Moves

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  • Stomp: This is usually the boss’s first move. It will stomp, and waves of blue lights will come towards you. It covers from one end of the field to another, so you can’t dodge it by running; you must jump at the correct time.
  • Red Highlight: Unlike other moves, you aren’t notified about this one. It highlights a specific part of the ground with a red light, and in a few seconds, the highlighted area is engulfed in blue lights, killing anyone inside it. Fortunately, this can be avoided by running towards a non-highlighted area.
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  • Silence: These blue bubbles have the same power as the above ones; however, they are more deadly. The boss releases dozens of these when its health bar starts getting to the danger level. It will use this move throughout the match but excessively in the second half.

As the number of players decreases and it becomes weaker, it will release all of them consecutively. Try to finish the match as soon as possible before it becomes more angry and unleashes hell.

That’s all about The Hunt Badge in Death Ball. If you are looking for more event guides, you should check its rewards list and the fastest ways to get badges.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

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