Video Game Guides

V Rising – How To Get Iron And Iron Ingots

Check out our guide on how to get Iron Ore and forge them into Iron Ingots in V Rising.

V Rising is a vampire survival game that is set in a vast open world. As you wake up from a deep slumber, you need to rebuild everything from a scratch. Iron is one of the minerals that can be mined in different ways. You can use it to forge several iron weapons. But finding them can be a bit tricky part. So, here’s our guide on how to get Iron and forge them into Iron Ingots in V Rising.

How to Get Iron in V Rising

You can find the Iron at different Iron mines that are scattered throughout the map of Vardoran. You need to head over to the Haunted Mine to find most of the iron veins. This mine is located to the south of Dunley Farmlands.

But before you head to this location, you need one of the Merciless Copper weapons. These weapons include Copper Mace or Merciless Copper Sword. These weapons are the only ones that can break through the Iron veins. If you don’t have them yet, you need to find the blueprints that are dropped by bosses and other enemies. Once you reach the location, strike the iron veins with the Merciless weapon to mine iron ores. Now, all you have to do is keep on striking the veins to farm Iron ore.

V Rising Iron Ingot Recipe

  • To smelt these Iron ore into Ingots, we need to place them into the Furnace. But you need to unlock its recipe before getting to it.
  • You have to defeat Quincey the Bandit King at level 37 to unlock forging Iron ingots.
  • In addition to the iron recipe, defeating him also unlocks the ability to craft Hollowfang Battlegear and Iron weaponry.
  • Once you have defeated the Bandit King, head back to Furnace and forge your iron ores into Iron Ingot.
  • You can use these ingots to craft several Iron weapons and gear.

That’s all on how to get Iron in V Rising. If you liked this guide, check out our other guides on how to make Stone Brick, how to get Sulfur Ore, and how to get Unsullied Hearts in V Rising right here on Gamer Tweak.

Shubham Nema

Hi! I am a Writer/Blogger/Cinephile/Quantum Physicist. The last one is not true but the rest of them sure are (I swear on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity).

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