What Does The Forest Is Moving And The Ground Is Shaking Event Mean In Valheim

The Forest Is Moving And The Ground Is Shaking Event event will spawn enemies around you, check out how to save yourself

The forest is moving or the ground is shaking in Valheim is a phenomenon that is something that you should take notice of. This is a warning that should not be taken lightly and will help you in time of your need, here’s everything that you need to know about the forest is moving or the ground is shaking event in Valheim.

What Does The Forest Is Moving And The Ground Is Shaking Event Mean In Valheim

The Forest Is Moving and The Ground Is Shaking Event in the game signifies danger is about to reach the player. Whenever these events start-up in the game, you’re surely going to face off against a bunch of enemies like Trolls or worse in the game. This event will end after a while but until then you’ve got to either defend yourself or escape, you can die a couple of times and this will prompt the enemies to leave as well.

What Does The Forest Is Moving And The Ground Is Shaking Event Mean In Valheim
The Forest Is Moving And The Ground Is Shaking Event means that there is imminent danger around you

The forest is moving is the first part of the warning, it works as an omen and if you’re inside your house, it means that the enemy is just outside. The ground is shaking is the second event that takes place in the game and this is where you will most likely come up against bigger and tougher enemies, beware of this and run if you cannot defend yourself.

If you wish to completely save yourself from the Forest Is Moving and The Ground Is Shaking Event in Valheim, you should check out how to create enemy proof houses. The enemies won’t be able to penetrate your house and you can safely stay inside.

While defending yourself you should also consider getting the best armor in Valheim right here, this will let you stay in the fight much longer and while you’re at it, also consider getting the best weapons in Valheim right here.

Both combined will help you eliminate whoever comes in your way. While the scope of Valheim is extensive, you can check out everything on our Valheim Wiki Guide about the game right here on Gamer Tweak.