
How To Fix A Disc Scratch In PS5

Can't play the PS5 game you recently ordered as it got scratched? Try these methods and use the game disc.

There are plenty of reasons for gamers to opt for a disc rather than a digital copy. But discs come with their own set of issues. They can break or get scratched and then will not work on the PS5. Now, scratches might not always be the reason for the issue, but they certainly play a big role here. So we have given some technical and DIY ways to fix this problem for the PS5. Try them out and you should be able to play your game.

How to Fix Disc Scratches for PS5

Image Credit: Last Heart Games on YouTube

Clean With Microfiber Cloth

Clean the disc with a microfiber cloth or any soft cloth. Sometimes you don’t see the scratch but get the error message. And this is often resolved just by cleaning them.

Use Scratch Disc Repair Machine

These devices are specially designed for dealing with disc scratches. They don’t just repair PS5 discs, but all kinds of discs. It might cost you some dollars, but this can be used whenever the need arises. If you can afford the price, it is highly recommended to go for the method. As with DIY, there is always a risk of making the issue worse.

Check the PS5 Disc Drive

Often times minor scratches don’t have much effect on the data. The issue arises when there is a problem with the system or its disc drive itself. To check that insert some other game disc in your PS5. You can also try the scratched disc on your friend’s PS5 if possible. Depending on whether other discs work on your PS5 or if the scratched disc works on your friend’s console you can determine where the problem might be. But if you find that the issue is with your PS5, then here are some basic fixes:

  • Reboot the PS5: It might be the obvious solution, but often does wonders. Just shut down your system and wait for a minute or so. Now insert the disc and try again.
  • Update System Software: To update the system software, go to Settings. Now navigate to the System and lastly select “System Software Update and Settings“. There you’ll find the Update System Software. Update it, if it is not, and restart the system. Now insert the disc and try again.
  • Rebuild Database: This scans and creates a new database. But you’ll not lose your game progress, data, or other settings. In most cases, it makes the system faster and resolves game-loading issues. The option to Rebuild Database can be accessed from going in the safe mode. To go into the safe mode, long press the power button, till you hear two beeps.

DIY to Fix PS5 Scratched Disc

Image Credit: Last Heart Games on YouTube

Before you try these tricks, beware that they do not work for everyone. And there is also a chance that they will further harm the disc. So if none of the above methods worked, we recommend you seek professional help. But if you are ready to take the risk, try these:

Petroleum Jelly

  1. Apply the Petroleum Jelly to the scratched disc and let it sit for a minute.
  2. Now, gently clean it with a microfiber cloth. Rub on the lines and avoid the center of the disk.
  3. Make sure the disc is dry and clean before inserting it.


Though not exactly for the PS5 game disc, this method has worked for some. Such as this Reddit user, who has even given his method.

  1. Rub the paste on the lines, while avoiding the center.
  2. Wait for a minute and then clean it with a microfiber cloth.
  3. Use a little water if needed, but ensure the disc is dry before you use it.
  4. Now, insert the disc and check if it’s working.

Car Polish

One Reddit user has claimed that they used this method for their PS2. So this could also work for your current discs.

  1. Like the toothpaste, place some car polish on the lines.
  2. Wait for a few seconds and then clean it with a microfiber cloth.
  3. Let it dry and then test it out.

Glass Cleaning Liquid

There is a chance that the disc is not working because of an oil stain or other smudges.

  1. Use a drop of such liquids and a wet cloth to clean it.
  2. Now, make sure that the disc is dry. It is better to use a microfiber cloth for it.
  3. If you are not sure if it is dry or not. Keep it somewhere for some time to let it dry.
  4. Try the disc and see if the problem is resolved.

Hopefully, one of these methods helped you fix the scratched disc for PS5. If it did, and you found this helpful, you should check our other PS5 tech guides. Like how to remove a stuck disc manually, use Discord Voice Chat, and more.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

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