How To Fix The Grounded Multiplayer Not Working Issue

Check out our guide on how to fix the multiplayer not working issue in Grounded.

Grounded is a multiplayer and survival video game by Obsidian Entertainment. Being a Co-op game, it allows players to connect with their friends or other players to ward off the giant creatures. But recently, some players have been experiencing issues on their PC and Xbox consoles. We have compiled some potential methods or workarounds to resolve this issue. So, check out our guide on how to fix the Grounded multiplayer not working issue.

Fix Grounded Multiplayer Not Working Issue (PC & Xbox)

grounded multiplayer not working fix issue

Here are some ways to resolve the multiplayer not working issue on PC and Xbox in Grounded:

Check Xbox Servers Status

Before going through any of the other methods, we suggest you check if Xbox servers are down. If they are down, there’s no other way rather than to wait until they resolve the issue. Although it is rare, the Xbox servers can go offline due to downtime maintenance or DDoS attacks. You can head over to the Xbox Servers status page (link) to find out. If the servers are running, we suggest trying out our next method.

Make sure your friends are Connected

  • We suggest that all players connecting for the Co-Op are your friends on Xbox Live.
  • Rather than inviting them in-game, try inviting your friends from the Lobby screen. Then, launch the game to check if you are connected with your friends.
  • Also, make sure that your Profile is neither offline nor invisible to connect with your friends.
  • Lastly, check if you and the connected players have the set same system clock.

Check Internet Connection

As Grounded is an online multiplayer game, you need a consistent and stable connection. So, we suggest checking your internet connection. If you are using a Wireless connection and facing technical issues, we suggest restarting your router. We also recommend using wired Ethernet instead of a wireless connection for a seamless internet connection.

But if the above methods didn’t resolve your issues, head over to the official Obsidian Support page (link). You can hit the “Contact us” option and state the issues in detail for more assistance.

That’s everything covered about the Multiplayer not working issue in Grounded. If you liked this guide, check out our guides on where to find the Spade Gulch, how to find Pond Moss, and more Grounded Guides on our dedicated section right here on Gamer Tweak.