Video Game Guides

How To Check Player Records On FIFA 22?

Find out how to look for player records in FIFA 22.

Many players are finding it difficult to see their player and team records on FIFA 22. There are no instructions in the game that tell you exactly where you will have to go. To add to the confusion, the menu in FIFA 22 has been revamped for this year. This is making navigating around the game a bit problematic. However, the records are easy to find. Simply scroll down and find out how to get to these records in the game.

How to find and see records in FIFA 22?

To see your records in the game the very first thing that yu have to do is go to the main menu. The main screen will be the ‘Home’ screen that shows the quick play mode amongst some others. When on this screen, using the R1/RT buttons on PlayStation/XBOX respectively to switch the screen over to the ‘Club’ section in the game.

Now, make sure to change Squad to Stadium. This is where you will be able to see al your player and team records in FIFA 22. While here you will be also be able to see stuff like the date your club was established and more. Furthermore, you will be able to see yourWin/Lose/Draw ratio in the form of a table at the bottom of the screen.

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The game will also allow you to compare the records of your teams against your friends and other online players. To do this, all you have to do is go over to the Leaderboards. Now, you will have to change the category to Transfer Profit. Next, select a friend and you will be able to see their records as well.

This is everything that you will need to know about how to see and find player records on FIFA 22. While you are here, you can also have a look at How To Fix Controller Not Working In FIFA 22.

Mihir Hate

Decided to become a writer because he started getting good at writing Instagram captions for his friends. Would be better at playing the games he reviews if he didn't spend so much time looking at shoes.

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