Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Atlantis DLC Ability Enhancements Unlock

Where to find Might Of Artemis, Kronos Time Warp, Ares Madness Abilities

The Fate of Atlantis DLC introduces all-new Ability Enhancements which will help the player to create new and powerful versions of existing abilities. Before you start randomly hunting for abilities in the Atlantis DLC, we have it got covered list all of the different Ability Enhancements map location and where to find them early in the game. You need to start from Chapter 1 of the DLC to unlock the new skill tree then follow the map locations given below.

Where to find Ability Enhancements Location?

To begin with, you need to reach Elysium and start tracking down the special ability enhancements. There are 4 versions of an ability whereas previously it only provided 3 levels to max the enhancement. So without any further ado, let’s begin with locating and unlocking all 4 Abilities in Atlantis DLC.

Might Of Artemis Ability Location

  • Ability: Improves Rain of Destruction ability
  • Where to Find: Sunken Jaw Of The Styx

ac odyssey ability might of artemis ac odyssey ability might of artemis location

Kronos Time Warp Ability Location

  • Ability: Improves Slow Time ability
  • Where to Find: Dead Heroes Haven via Gaia’s Underpass

ac odyssey ability kronos time warp ac odyssey ability kronos time warp location

Ares Madness Ability Location

  • Ability: Improves Battlecry of Ares ability
  • Where to Find: The Buried Silence Cave in Asphodel Fields

ac odyssey ability ares madness ac odyssey ability ares madness location

Ares Bull Charge Ability Location

  • Ability: Improves Bull Rush ability
  • Where to Find: Veiled Altar of Hermes

ac odyssey ability ares bull charge ac odyssey ability ares bull charge Location

These are all 4 Ability enhancements you required to unlock in Atlantis DLC. We have also covered the Legendary Weapons, Armor, and Skins in AC Odyssey. Also check our other Fate of Atlantis DLC guides, tricks, and Tips.

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