Darkest Dungeon 2: What Is A Stained Item?

Want to know what is a Stained Items in Darkest Dungeon 2? Here is our complete guide on Stained Items and how you can find them in-game.

The road to the mountain in Darkest Dungeon 2 is filled with terrors and nightmares. With increasing difficulty as the game progresses, players should be aware of the new in-game mechanics to have a smoother progression. Similarly, the Stained Item mechanic in the game can be confusing at times for players that are just starting out. Here is our guide to help you understand what is Stained Item & how you can find it in Darkest Dungeon 2.

What is a Stained Item in Darkest Dungeon 2 & How to Find it

find dark impulse

In the first hour of the game itself, players might be aware of trinkets. These trinkets can help them improve their character abilities in-game. However, some of the trinkets that players would come across would require them to have other items called Stained Items or Dark Impulse in the game. Without these, you might not be able to use specific trinkets known as cultist trinkets during your run. Stained Items are useless by themselves but can be used to activate cultist trinkets. There are 9 different abilities of Stained Items which can result in unlocking various potentials of a single cultist trinket.

Following are the 9 abilities of Stained Items in Darkest Dungeon 2:

  • Bleed Resist.
  • Blight Resist.
  • Burn Resist.
  • Move Resist.
  • Disease Resist.
  • Debuff Resist.
  • Stun Resist.
  • Stress Resist.
  • Healing.

How to Find Stained Items

Stained Items are rare finds at the start of the game. At times this can prove to be frustrating for some players which results in them tossing out the subsequent cultist trinket. In Darkest Dungeon 2 players can obtain these after defeating the enemy class known as Cultists. These are still rare drops as only three of the items are unlocked at the start of the game. You can unlock more as the game progresses from the Altar Of Hope.

That is everything on Stained Items in Darkest Dungeon 2 and how you can find them in-game. Here is our guide on trinkets and how you can equip them in-game.