Pokémon Sword and Shield Guide

How To Get Calyrex Steed And Carrot Seeds In Crown Tundra

You will have to plant carrot seeds to get Calyrex in Crown Tundra. Continue to read this guide to know where to find the carrot seeds and get Calyrex in Pokemon Sword and Shield's Crown Tundra.

If you want to recruit Calyrex to your team, you have to complete the King of Bountiful Harvets quest in Crown Tundra. To complete the quest, you have to find Calyrex Steed to restore its faith in humankind. The quest is long, and it can be really confusing if you don’t focus on what needs to be done. In this guide, we will discuss how to get Calyrex Steed and carrot seeds to complete the King of Bountiful Harvests quest.

How to Complete the King of Bountiful Harvests Quest in Crown Tundra

The King of Bountiful Harvest is a huge quest, hence, we have divided this guide into different parts and tasks of the quest that combines together to complete it. The first task or the first legendary clue of the quest is to get Calyrex Steed.

Where to Find Calyrex Steed in Crown Tundra

The first legendary clue asks you to find and look at the statue outside. But, you don’t have to follow the task. Instead, get inside your base and find the table there. Now, interact with the crown to inspect it. You will find that the old has the possession of the crown. Talk to the old man and ask him to give you the crown.

Once you have the crown with you, head out to the statue and place the crown on it. As soon as you place the crown, Calyrex will spawn and you will have to enter a battle with it. Defeating it will be easy, but even if you defeat Calyrex, you won’t be able to catch it. After the battle is over, Calyrex will ask you for help to find its horse.

To find the horse, you have to first talk to every person in the village. Your first target should be to talk to the mayor. The mayor’s location on the map is marked with an exclamation sign. After talking with everyone, find the mayor’s house and talk with him again.

When you interact with the mayor, he will ask you to read some books in his house. To complete this quest you need to read two of the books there. Pick the books titled “Hard Crops for the Tundra” and “Reins of Unity” and read them. By reading the books, you will find out that you have to find carrot seeds and grow them. This brings us to the next task, which is to get carrot seeds for getting Calyrex Steed.

How to Get Carrot Seeds in Crown Tundra

You will get the carrot seeds by talking to the old man at the center of Freezington. The man will be standing next to the crops. He will offer to sell the seeds but in exchange for eight Dynite Ore. To find the Dynite Ore, you have to enter and clear Dynamax Adventure.

The amount of Dynite Ore you get depends on how far you reached in the dungeons. By completing the Dynamax Adventure, you will get the eight Dynite Ore you want. Head back to the old man and get the Carrot seeds.

With the carrot seeds in hand, head back to Calyrex and talk to him again. Now, you can plant the seeds either in a cemetery or on the mountain. You will get Spectrier steed if you plant the seeds at the cemetery. For planting on the mountains, you get Glastrier steed.

The difference between the two types is that Spectrier is a ghost and psychic type, whereas Glastrier is ice and psychic type pokemon. Also, Spectrier has low health, powerful attacks, and is fast, on the other hand, Glastrier has great health, is slow, and can crash through walls. The decision is entirely yours to make.


How to Get Calyrex’s Horse in Crown Tundra

Once you plant the seeds at any of the two locations, the horse will start attacking them. Once you find this out, head to the horse and defeat it. Again, you cannot catch it. After the battle with the horse, go and talk to Calyrex again. This time the pokemon will tell you about Reins. It will also give you the ingredient that will help make Reins, which is the flower petal.

Head back to the mayor and speak with him to make Reins. Take the Reins and go back to Calyrex and take it with you to the Crown Shrine. After entering the Crown Shrine, you will again enter a battle with Calyrex. This time you can defeat and catch the pokemon to add it to your Pokedex.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get Calyrex Steed and carrot seeds in Crown Tundra. While here, you can read some other guides on Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Crown Tundra. You can start with how to catch Galarian Zapdos and how to complete walk together with a living crystal of snow riddle in Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Crown Tundra.


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