Pokémon Sword and Shield Guide

How To Complete Walk Together With A Living Crystal Of Snow Riddle

You have to walk together with a living crystal of snow to enter the Iceberg ruins in Pokemon Sword and Shield's Crown Tundra. Here's everything you need to know.

Walk together with a living crystal of snow is a riddle in Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Crown Tundra, that you need to complete. Completing the riddle will let you enter the Iceberg ruins in the game. For doing that you need to catch a specific pokemon. Walking along with that pokemon will allow you to enter the ruins and complete the riddle. In this guide, we will walk you through how and where to catch the pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Crown Tundra to complete a walk together with a living crystal of snow riddle.

Crown Tundra Cryogonal – Walk Together With A Living Crystal Of Snow

You need to catch Cryogonal to complete the walk together with a living crystal of snow. As you would have correctly guessed, Cryogonal is the living crystal of snow pokemon. It appears like a snowflake shape and is accessible from outside the train in the new area or to the left of the entrance of the Iceberg ruins.

Once you have caught the Cryogonal, place it at the top of your team. This will let the pokemon walk side by you and you can then enter the Iceberg ruins with it. Once you enter the ruins with Cryogonal by your side, it will solve the walk together with a living crystal of snow riddle.

If you can’t find Cryogonal walking by your side, even after placing it in the top place, don’t worry, here’s what you need to do. You will have to find a girl wearing an Eevee onesie at Freezington. She will give you an option whether you want to have your pokemon walk by your side. Simply respond with a yes and Cryogonal should be appearing by your side.

That’s everything we have to tell about how to solve walk together with a living crystal of snow by catching Cryogonal in Pokemon Sword and Shield’s Crown Tundra. If you want to catch some legendary pokemon in the game, refer to our guide on how to catch Galarian Zapdos.


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