Far Cry 6

How To Capture Military Vehicles In Far Cry 6 (Tips And Tricks)

In this guide, you'll learn how you can take control and capture military vehicles in Far Cry 6.

Military Vehicles in Far Cry 6 are extremely thrilling to capture and use as personal property. While you can’t simply scan and keep these, you can definitely own them. In this guide, we’ll walk through all the ways in which you can control these Military Vehicles in Far Cry 6.

How to Capture Military Vehicles in Far Cry 6

You can capture all the far Cry 6 military vehicles by driving, flying or riding them to a vehicle pickup point. You can use this for Tanks, Trucks, Horses and even Choppers. Remember that these vehicles points have a specific area where you’ll need to manually get these military vehicles. Don’t expect to scan them and suddenly claim them because the game explicitly states that you can’t scan military vehicles. There are a few things to keep in mind while you’re attempting to capture these vehicles, they’re mentioned below.

Military Vehicle Locations in Far Cry 6.

You can find Military Vehicles scattered all over the map of Yara in Far Cry 6. You’ll encounter some of them while on missions. Others, you’ll find simply around unexpected areas. The best regions for locating and capturing military vehicles are military bases. If you wish to capture military horses like the Spanish Marchador, you’ll usually find them around the military areas where there’s more grassy land. Remember these are a special breed and can’t be scanned.

Tips and Tricks to Get Military Vehicles in FC6

While it’s pretty simple and straightforward, there are a few things you really need to pay attention to while capturing these military vehicles. Here are a few tips and tricks for the same.

  • Whenever you’re approaching an area to scout for these military vehicles, be on the lookout for soldiers.
  • Always hide your weapons when walking up to a military vehicle and only equip when engaged in combat.
  • Remember that you can fall off and get injured while mounting and riding horses.
  • While riding Helicopters, be sure to take out the air cannons before you enter any region’s airspace.

If you need a little more reference, you can check out the video below that completes the mission to assassinate Comandante Rosario in Far Cry 6. The buildup to killing her requires you to assume control of a military tank.

That’s pretty much all there is to know about capturing Military Vehicles in Far Cry 6. We hope this guide was of assistance to you. Travel around Yara in style with your military vehicles. If you wish to add more flair and style to your game, here’s how you can upgrade your weapon’s aesthetics and change weapon skins in Far Cry 6. If you need a little bit more swag, you can play some cool exclusive tracks in-game as well. You can check out the USB song stick locations in Far Cry 6 to obtain these and drive to the beat along the tropical “paradise”.

Jude Lobo

Hi, I'm Jude. I like playing games and soccer. That's probably why I like writing about them. No, I'm not the Jude from that Beatle's Song.

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