Lords of the Fallen

Where To Find Bloody Glory In Lords Of The Fallen

Check out this guide to know where to find Bloody Glory Grand Sword in Lords of the Fallen.

The Bloody Glory in Lords of the Fallen is one of the massive grand swords that inflict Bleed and deal extensive damage to even the toughest of enemies. There are three different types of Swords that players will come across in their Soulslike campaign along with a variety of weapons. Grand swords are perfect for players looking for massive weapons that deal heavy damage or for someone looking to enhance their strength build. Bloody Glory fits all of the boxes as one of the best weapons to have and use against enemies in the game.

However, if you are someone who prefers a more fast-paced combat style then Pieta’s Sword is one of the best early-game weapons you can get in Lords of the Fallen. Along with obtaining the weapons, players should know everything from upgrading the weapons to the weapon scaling mechanism. Having said that, if you are still searching for the Bloody Glory around the lands of Mournstead, then here is where you can find the Hallowed Sentinel Sword in LOTF.

Lords of the Fallen Bloody Glory Location

Players can find Bloody Glory in Lords of the Fallen deep within the Pilgrim’s Perch. The grand sword will be located near a bloodied soldier on top of a tombstone which you will come across after accessing the locked bell door in the Pilgrim’s Perch Bellroom. It is worth mentioning that you will require the Pilgrim’s Perch Key to unlock the door.

Once you are in the Belled Rise area of Pilgrim’s Perch, you will immediately notice pathways on either side. While the one on the left will lead you to the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers, the stairs on the right will let you access the Path of the Devotion area. The closest Vestige here would be the Vestige of Blind Agatha in the game. You will have to use the key here to open the bell door in the game.

After unlocking the door, you will come across tons of high-level enemies like Hallowed Sentinel, Ardent Penitent, Marksman, etc, in the game. We would recommend you either grind your way through the levels and have the best build at your disposal or just run past them without engaging in combat. Once you pass through the first cave system and come across Ardent Penitent, you will be able to climb up a ladder and enter a cavern. It’s here where you will get your hands on the Bloody Glory in Lords of the Fallen near the tombstone at the far end on the left.

To wield the Grand Sword, players will need to have 20 Strength and 32 Radiance in Lords of the Fallen. We would recommend searching the Bloody Glory once you are far enough in your campaign by warping back to Pilgrim’s Perch.

That’s everything covered on where to find Bloody Glory in Lords of the Fallen. For more interesting guides like these, check out our dedicated LOTF Guides section, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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