Lords of the Fallen

How To Heal In Lords Of The Fallen

Check out this guide to know how you can heal yourself in Lords of the Fallen.

While exploring the lands of Mournstead and the parallel realms players will come across countless enemies & several colossal bosses and knowing how to heal in Lords of the Fallen will be quite essential. If you are familiar with any past Soulslike titles then you would know the importance of recovering your HP at the right time. However, each Soulslike title has its version of Healing Charges and sometimes it won’t be quite as straightforward. On top of that, you will find very few healing items while switching realms in the game. And for many players which items to look for or knowing what exactly these healing charges are can be a daunting task.

Having said that, your campaign of overthrowing the demon god Adyr will be arduous right from the get-go, and knowing everything from upgrading weapons to increasing ammo capacity will be the key. With that out of the way, if you are trying to avoid dying countlessly at the hands of all your enemies in Lords of the Fallen and are looking for some healing charges, here is a guide you should check out further.

How to Recover HP in Lords of the Fallen

Image Source: Steam

For players looking to heal in Lords of the Fallen and recover their HP quickly, Sanguinarix will be the best bet in the lands of Mournstead. Sanguinarix is one of the consumables that players will come across as one of the starting gears for all the different classes in the game. It can be used by first selecting it by pressing the left or right on the D-pad and then pressing the square button on the PlayStation controller or the X button on the Xbox controller. For PC users, you can scroll on the mouse wheel to select the Sanguinarix and then press the R key on your keyboard to consume it.

While players will carry around three charges at the start of their campaign, they can further upgrade the Sanguinarix to get more and also to increase the effectiveness. For each upgrade, the amount of health recovered from using the consumable will increase in Lords of the Fallen. Players can have a maximum of 9 flask or Sanguinarix charges at their disposal in their campaign.

While resting at one of the Vestige will help you heal in Lords of the Fallen, it will also help you replenish the Sanguinarix charges in the game. Players will come across different Vestiges throughout their campaign right from Defiled Sepulchre to Bramis Castle. There are Vestige Seeds that you can plant on one of the Umbral Flowerbeds and create temporary checkpoints to rest and heal in the game.

With that being said, there are other consumable items like Briostone or Briostone Trio which will help heal your wounds in Lords of the Fallen. These consumables will recover your HP over time as you progress through the playthrough. Briostone can be bought from Stomund for 200 Vigor at the Skyrest Bridge in the game.

That’s everything covered on how to heal in Lords of the Fallen. For more interesting and informative guides on the Soulslike RPG, go through our dedicated LOTF Guides section, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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