Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Best XP Farming Dungeon (After Hotfix Nerfs)

Looking for the best dungeons to farm XP in D4? Find out the current best XP farm dungeon in Diablo 4.

If you want to level up fast, you must know the best XP dungeon in Diablo 4. But with the recent backlash related to the uneven densities of elite mobs, Blizzard deployed multiple hotfixes to patch it up. Due to that, dungeons like Ruins of Eridu or Champion’s Demise were heavily nerfed down and don’t allow XP rewards as before. Don’t worry, find out the current best XP farm dungeons in D4 right here.

Diablo 4 Best XP Farming Dungeon

Currently, the best XP farming dungeon in Diablo 4 is Uldur’s Cave. You can find this solo dungeon located at the Ragged Coastline in Kehjistan. Since the recently deployed hotfix (1.0.2i Build), Uldur’s Cave is considered the best dungeon to farm XP in D4. While having a high number of elite mobs, this dungeon is quite straightforward to complete and loot.

But, if you are looking to earn and farm XP with your party, we recommend the Blind Burrows dungeon. Being located at the Fethis Wetlands in Hawezar, this dungeon is close to the Ruins of Eridu dungeon. While the latter was considered the best XP farm dungeon  in D4 after hotfix, it has been drastically nerfed down now. However, you can rotate and travel to both dungeons with your party to farm maximum XP. The dungeons will reset as soon as you complete their activities.

Alternatively, we suggest the Champion’s Demise and Charnel’s House dungeons which are close to one another to farm XP. After the hotfix nerfs, Champion’s Demise rewards lesser XP than the Charnel House. But since both dungeons offer XP gains above 8 million per hour, grinding on them on a loop can potentially speed up your leveling.

In addition to the above dungeons, you can also grind on other dungeons for XP farming. Thanks to @Moxsy on YouTube, we have approximate stats for the best XP farm dungeons in Diablo 4. They are as follows:

  • Blind Burrows: 9.3 million XP per hour
  • Anica’s Claim: 7.8 million XP per hour
  • Iron Hold: 8.8 million XP per hour
  • Champion’s Demise: 8.8 million XP per hour
  • Charnel’s House: 9.3 million XP per hour
  • Ruins of Eridu: 7.6 million XP per hour
  • Mercy’s Reach: 7.2 million XP per hour

Note the above figures are estimates according to the YouTuber’s dungeon XP farming tests. So, the exact figures may differ according to your grind.

As with the recent hotfixes, we hope Blizzard doesn’t make more changes to the dungeons. But if they change the elite mob density or XP gains, we will update this guide. Until then, find out how to get past level 50 in Diablo 4 if you are struggling for XP gains.

That’s all about Diablo 4 Best XP Dungeon. If you liked this guide, check out our more guides to find out the best way to level Alts, the best way to farm and get uniques, and more Diablo 4 Guides right here on Gamer Tweak.

Shubham Nema

Hi! I am a Writer/Blogger/Cinephile/Quantum Physicist. The last one is not true but the rest of them sure are (I swear on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity).

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