
Best Supermarket Simulator Mods

Done with a usual playthrough of Supermarket Simulator and are looking for some mods to make things interesting? Well, this list has something that almost everyone can enjoy!

Running your supermarket is no easy task and this game is probably one of the best ways to experience that. But no matter how far you are in the game, it is never too late to give the best Supermarket Simulator mods a try. What makes them so good is that they bring some much-needed improvements that make playing the game easier while adding to the fun. While there are cheats for this game that you can use to increase your money. This list focuses on mods that change other features. So without any further ado here are the ones you should try:

Best 5 Supermarket Simulator Mods

  • RDC Stock Manager – Made by RedDeadConejo
  • Auto Price Updater – Made by DIASILEDU
  • No Max Order Limit – Made by AlconH
  • DeliveryOrganizer – Made by DIASILEDU
  • StoreRenamer – Made by DIASILEDU

Do note that all of the below mods require you to have Melon Loader installed. Here is what they have to offer!

RDC Stock Manager

If you have trouble tracking the products left in your store then this mod is a lifesaver! RDC Stock Manager simply tells you how many products you have left in your store. The best part is its visual indicator:

  • White: Enough products left
  • Yellow: Shortage of products
  • Red: Out of Stock

Do note that in order to use it you will need Melon Loader (0.5.7). The mod page specifies this version so make sure you use at least this or any other versions above it.

Auto Price Updater

Another simple yet effective mod is the Auto Price Updater, using it you can add a fixed price or a multiplier to the MSRP or market cost of your products each time at the start of a new day. It even has smart pricing which automatically adjusts the price to give you the best profit rates. You can even press CTRL + R to instantly update them!

No Max Order Limit

The default limit when you order items from market place is 10. No Max Order Limit removes that limit.


If you have had trouble with your deliveries then this mod is for you. DeliveryOrganizer sorts the different boxes by their size and stacks them in a tower to avoid clutter. The mod ensures you don’t have to face the “explosion on delivery” and it even removes the purchase limit from the store.

Do note that it isn’t compatible with the above No Max Order Limit mod. So you will have to use one of them at a time.


Finally, for the last mod on this list, it doesn’t do anything much fancy when compared to what others have to offer so far. Rather, StoreRenamer, as the name suggests lets you personalize your store by letting you rename it.

That is all for the best mods for Supermarket Simulator. While you are here also check our guides on how to make more money and unlock storage.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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