Author: Nikita Hariname

From making games to writing about them, she's been in the world of entertainment since a decade now. She writes features, the latest trending news and guides on games like Diablo 4, Overwatch 2, Roblox, codes and more fun stuff! Connect with her at - [email protected]

If you are wondering how to meditate in Roblox Sorcery, know that there are a few requirements to fulfill beforehand. In this guide, we will explain everything you need to do before you can start with meditation and unlock Domain Expansion in the game. How to Meditate in Roblox Sorcery You might see your character (or your friend’s character) being able to meditate before level 150, but there could be a few reasons behind this. Either it’s just an animation with no reward at that point, it could be a glitch or it’s actually unlocked earlier for some. As per…

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Sorcery is an open-world PVP and PVE Roblox game that is gaining popularity even in its Stress Test phase. And while playing, if you’ve seen multiple people with a greyish-white arm, know that it’s a prosthetic arm that’s more than just a cosmetic – it has an actual purpose that can make you pretty strong. If you already have it and are wondering how to remove it, we’ve got all the information you need to know. How to Get the Silver Arm in Sorcery on Roblox Sorcerers can unlock the Prosthetic arm by completing missions. Go over to the Missions…

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To fast travel in Lego Fortnite, you can use a Battle Bus station, however, if you want to build one at a specific location, that’s possible too. This will help you easily travel to Lost Isles or any other biome, saving precious time for more important things. Here’s the recipe and all the resources you need to set it up. How to Build a Battle Bus Station in LEGO Fortnite To craft a Battle Bus Station, you require 4 Iron Bars, 2 Malachite Slabs, 6 Frostpine, and 3 Rift Shards. Also, you need an Epic Pickaxe. If you don’t have…

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If you’ve returned to LEGO Fortnite after a break or trying it for the first time, you might want to know how to get to the new map of The Lost Isles. There have been quite a few new additions to the game, so here’s a quick guide to help you reach this location easily. How to Reach The Lost Isles Map Location in LEGO Fortnite That’s all you need to know about this. If you also want to find out how to craft and get Cannons in LEGO Fortnite, there are multiple ingredients you need. Check out our guide…

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Fortnite has added a new feature in the update v31.30 which was released on October 1, 2024 and it’s the much-needed Sleep mode. The player’s profile will switch to this if it’s inactive for 15 minutes by default and this will happen if there’s no use of mouse, keyboard, or any controller inputs. There are several reasons why players might go AFK in games — real-life matters, boredom, or just to take a break. If you end up finding a game during this break and other players realize you’re not actually online, it can lead to problems. Sleep Mode will…

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With the Lost Isles update on September 17 in LEGO Fortnite, many new features are added to the game, including new ecosystems, weapons, and cannons. Cannons are now important items for defending your location and repelling enemy attacks. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to obtain the materials required for crafting cannons, as well as locating the necessary crafting recipe. Cannons are a powerful weapon in LEGO Fortnite, allowing you to launch cannonballs and send enemies flying. They’re not just for offense by adding firepower to your creative contraptions, you can also use them to create diversions,…

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The Flare Gun is a limited-time item in Fortnite that can be found in several ways and in this guide, we will explain how you can get your hands on it. The weapon is mainly used for spotting enemies and marking them and it will even reveal the opponents who are hiding. Apart from this, its projectile deals explosive damage on impact so it can be used as an actual gun if someone tries to jump you while doing the challenge. At the time of writing this article, the Birthday Quests are live on the occasion of Fortnite’s 7th birthday.…

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Fortnite players have seen a huge variety of skins in-game like Batman, Ariana Grande, Master Chief, John Cena, and more, and if you think about it, why would basketball player turned entrepreneur Shaq be left far behind? As per multiple leaks, it appears that fans can expect to see the sports legend as a playable character in the game very soon. Is Shaq Coming to Fortnite? DJ Diesel, Shaquille O’Neal’s DJ persona shared a sneak peek of his Fortnite model during a set in Toronto, Canada and the video (that was shared on TikTok as well as Instagram) was captioned…

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With the update 5 of Anime Defenders, players got a lot of new content and one addition was the Portal Hardener. Players can now use a Portal Hardener to craft a Hardened Portal of any Portal variation. This will guarantee a 100% drop chance of the same Portal type. Here’s how you can get and use it in the game. How to Get Portal Hardener in Anime Defenders You can get a Portal Hardener through the Athenyx Challenges or Athenyx Battlepass. The Athenyx’s Realm area is unlocked at level 30 and the better option is to keep playing and level…

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Bear King in Anime Defenders is a Mythical unit and like the Ice Dragon, it has a low drop rate. It is a hybrid that can attack enemies in the air as well as ground. Its attacks are AoE and this unit also applies bleed which does 15% of its base damage. Bear King’s deployment cost is 950¥ and there are 10 upgrades that you can do. Its attacks range from AoE Line (Large), Circle (Medium), Line (Big) to Full. Know all about what you need to get to get Bear King and how to evolve it to Bear King…

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