Tips Unlock Sage in Final Fantasy XIV’s Endwalker (Pre-Requisites)

Want to add this new healer to your roaster then read this guide.

Sage is a new healer in Fantasy XIV’s Endwalker. He can shield his team during the healing process during the battle. So unlocking Sage and keeping him active in the roaster can be helpful later on. I am going to share all necessary requirements in unlocking Sage in FFXIV. Also, what are his best abilities, and why you must have him on the team? Reaper is another combat class added by the new expansion. But in this guide will focus more on Sage.

How to Unlock Sage in FFXIV Endwalker?

FFXIV Endwalker Sage

To get Sage, buy Endwalker expansion, the most basic pre-requisite. Then get a combat job of Level 70 or higher. When you are done with both you will have to unlock Sage’s Path Quest. For this go to X:9.4, Y:12.9, and talk to Sharlayan Maiden. This will start the Sage’s Path Quest which will be a Level 70 work. So do not attempt to go for this if you are on lower levels.

Advantages of Sage:

Sage is a new job that focuses on healing and using shields. This boosts team defense on the battleground. Unlocking its questline will put you on the path of getting Level 70 gears and weapons. This includes Level 70 Sage Gear & Weapon and a Job Crystal. Sage carries two gauges the first one power-up team abilities and the second will cast abilities on top of regular mana. The second gauge will be unlocked at Level 45. To charge as Sage keep on guarding your allies with barriers.

Sage uses the Nouliths as its weapon where it is something more than a traditional staff. His attacks can surprise you with focused laser attacks or spinning staffs around the enemies. As Sage when you damage your allies will heal. So this makes it a dependable resource for the team. A certain percentage of damage will be added to the Health. In case of extreme conditions, Sage can summon barriers and health his allies to the max. This also guards them against any incoming damage during the healing process.

In a similar way, the Reaper class is also added to the expansion that focuses more on melee DPS. It comes with three gauges that can confuse any beginners at the start.

  1. Soul – Refill with Kills
  2. Shroud – Refills with Combos
  3. Death – Execute Deadly Combos

You will have to keep on playing up to level up. There is a bit of grinding as to play Endwalkers expansion where most of the job unlocks after Level 80.