7 Days To Die Console Commands & Cheat Codes

Zombie survival games can often be tough, which is why many 7 Days to Die players are looking for its console commands. The good thing is the game has several cheats that you can use to make the game easier or you can just experiment with everything that it has to offer. This is handy because at times the game can get very difficult and test your limits to see if you can survive. So below are all the cheat codes and how you can use them:

7 Days to Die Console Commands List

All 7 Days To Die Cheats And How To Use Console Commands
Image Credits: The Fun Pimps. 7 Days to Die Cheat Codes list.
  • giveself [item id code] [item level (1-6)]: Use it to give yourself an item of the selected level.
  • buff [buff id code]: Use it to give yourself or another player a buff.
  • debuff [buff id code]: Use it to remove a buff from yourself or another player.
  • buffplayer [player name/steam id/entity id] [buff id code]: Use a player ID to apply a buff to them.
  • debuffplayer [player name/steam id/entity id] [buff id code]: Use a player ID to remove the buff from them.
  • switchview: Change player POV between 1st and 3rd person.
  • debugmenu: Use it to enable or disable debug mode.
  • exhausted: Use it to make the player tired.
  • giveselfxp [XP amount]: Use it to give the player a certain amount of XP.
  • creativemenu: Use it to enable or disable the creative menu.
  • spawnsupplycrate: Use it to spawn a supply crate.
  • killall: Kill every player in the game.
  • teleport [player name/steam id/entity id] [x y z] [offset x y z] [view direction]: Use this command to teleport to any location in the game.
  • teleportplayer [player name/steam id/entity id] [player name/steam id/entity id] [x y z] [view direction]: Teleport one player to another player’s location.
  • showclouds [texture file name]: Use it to show clouds with a specific texture.
  • repairchunkdensity [x z] [“fix”]: Use it to check mismatches in block densities in a chunk and repair it.
  • weather [weather setting]: Use this command to change the weather.
  • spawnentity [player id] [entity id]: Use this command to spawn an entity at the location of a player.
  • weathersurvival [“on”/”off”]: Use it to enable or disable weather survival mode.
  • spawnwanderinghorde: Use it to spawn a wandering horde of zombies.
  • givequest [quest id]: Use it to assign yourself a quest.
  • removequest [quest id]: Use it to remove any particular quest assigned to you.
  • say [“message”]: Broadcase a message server wide to all connected clients.
  • listplayers: Use this code to get a list of all players with their IDs, HP, stats, positions, and IP addresses.
  • version: Use it to check the current version of the game and active mods.
  • water limit [amount]: Use it to control the amount of flow of water in the game.
  • thirsty: Use it to make your player thirsty.
  • spectrum [spectrum id]: Use it to change the game’s lighting spectrum.
  • gettime: Use it to check the current in-game time.
  • spawnscouts [player name/steam id/entity id] [x y z]: Use it to spawn scouts near a certain player or near you.
  • listents: Use it to get a list of all zombies, animals, and players in the game.
  • shutdown: Use it to close the game.
  • spawnairdrop: Use it to spawn an airdrop.
  • staticmap: Use it to switch your map’s mode between static and dynamic.
  • listplayerids: Use it to get a list of all players and their IDs on the server.
  • setgamestat [game stat] [value]: Use it to specify a game stat to a certain value.
  • getgamestat [string]: Get a list of all current game stats.
  • setgamepref [game preference] [value]: Use it to specify a game preference to a certain value.
  • getgamepref [string]: Get a list of all current game preferences.
  • starve: Use it to make your player starve.
  • settempunit [c/f]: Use it to change the current temperature using Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  • memcl: Use it to get the memory information about the client on the console.
  • mem: Use it to get the memory information about the server on the console.
  • traderarea: Use it to get all locations and areas of the Traders in the game.
  • exportitemicons: Use it to get all item icons as PNGs in the itemIcons folder.
  • lights: Use it to enable or disable in-game lights.
  • shownexthordetime: Use it to check the current wandering horde time.
  • pplist: Use it to get the list of PersistentPlayer data.
  • clear: Clear all messages from the console.
  • listthreads: Use it to get a list of all threads the game is presently using.
  • spawnscreen: Use it to get the spawn screen effect.
  • showalbedo: Use it to enable or disable Albedo.
  • settime [“day”/”night”] [0-24000] [day hh mm]: Use it to change the game’s time.
  • help [command]: Check the list of all commands.
  • sounddebug: Use it to enable or disable the SoundManager debug mode.
  • shownormals: Use it to view or hide normal maps.
  • loggamestate [header] [true/false]: Use it with the specified header to get the output log file with game information.
  • chunkcache: Use it to check all the loaded chunks in the cache.
  • loglevel [log level] [true/false]: Use it to enable or disable specific types of log messages.
  • saveworld: Use it to make a Save of your current world.
  • showchunkdata: Use it to check the data of the current standing chunk.
  • aiddebug: Use it to enable or disable the AIDirector debug mode.
  • showspecular: Use it to enable or disable the specular values in gBuffer.

Permission Commands List

  • kick [player name/steam id/entity id] [“kick message”]: Kick a player from the game.
  • kickall [“kick message”]: Kick all players from the game.
  • admin [“add”/”remove”/”list”] [player name/steam id/entity id] [permission level]: Add or remove a player to or from the admin list. Specify the permission level between 0 – 1000, with 0 being the highest and 1000 being the lowest.
  • whitelist [“add”/”remove”/”list”] [player name/steam id/entity id]: Add or remove a player to or from the white list.
  • ban [“add”/”remove”/”list”] [player name/steam id/entity id] [duration + duration unit] [“ban message”]: Ban or unban the player for the given duration.
  • cp [“add”/”remove”/”list”] [command] [0 – 1000]: Use it to add a command to the permission list. Here 0 is the highest and 1000 is the lowest.

How to Use 7 Days to Die Cheat Commands

  1. Depending on your keyboard click any of the following keys:
    • F1
    • @
    • Ö
    • Ø
    • F2
    • Ñ
  2. Paste the above commands and use them as explained.
  3. Click on the Enter key and they will get applied.

That is all for the 7 Days to Die Console Commands list. Be sure to also check out our Cheats section to get help with other such codes for other games!