Animal Well: How To Get The UV Lantern

The UV Lantern in Animal Well is an immensely helpful tool and here’s the complete guide you can use to understand how you can find it.

Since this game is full of secret areas and complex puzzles, the only way to discover all the other hidden parts of the map that you haven’t unlocked yet is by utilizing some helpful tools and items. Similarly, if you have been wondering how you can get the UV Lantern in Animal Well, you’ve stumbled upon the right guide. We will explain how you can solve the mystery behind getting this useful tool and further use it to uncover new parts and items.

How to Get the UV Lantern in Animal Well

How To Get The UV Lantern In Animal Well

Before we jump into the process of obtaining this tool, you will first have to make sure that you have lit all the nine candles. Once this is done, your next task will be to get the E Medal. To do this, just below the area where the candles are, you will find the head of a fish. Blow a bubble into the fish’s face and jump inside its mouth.

After passing through some tubes, you will fall into a hidden room. Now, move towards the right-hand side and you will uncover a small secret area. Start turning the crank you’ve found and you will notice a red chest. Quickly make your way to the chest before it submerges inside the water again. When you access the chest, you will find the E Medal.

After this, you will have to make your way to the Seahorse room and cross two rooms towards the right. Instead of entering through the fish’s mouth, use your bubble to climb on top of it and keep moving in that direction. This path will then lead you to a circular recess.

You will then have to place the E Medal you just received into the circular recess. Now follow the path that’s going down and keep going left until you enter the room that has a huge skeleton fish wandering around.

You’ll see that this fish is randomly blowing bubbles. You will then have to notice the direction in which the fish blows a bubble and you’ll need to play the notes on the flute that will match it. Here’s the order in which you will have to hit the notes on the flute:

  • Up-left, down, down-left, left, down-left, up-right, up-left

Once you play this sequence correctly, the bubble-blowing skeleton fish will freeze and open its mouth. Now, you will have to get to the fish’s mouth and pass through it. You will end up in an enclosed room with a chest. Open the chest to obtain the UV Lantern in Animal Well.

This concludes our guide on how you can get the hidden UV Lantern in Animal Well. If you want to uncover more complex puzzles and mysteries in this game, make sure to browse through all our recent Video Game guides.