WoW, Classic servers can be busy and give you a hard time finding a good one. Since from the start, there are long queues making players wait for hours. This means you are trying to access one of the busiest WoW Classic servers. And if still, you are going through the same then here is a guide on the WoW Classic Realm list. Popularity of WoW classic server is rising since launch.
In this article, you can go through the WoW Classic server list sorted based on population size. Picking a WoW realm with the medium will allow you to enjoy the game, as there won’t be any more queues. So here is a detailed guide on WoW Classic servers.
Before starting if you are having doubts on WoW Classic servers or realms then the guide begins with a basic question. This will help you to understand the fundamentals of realms. Like, what are PvP Mode, PvE, and Roleplaying (RP) mode in WoW Classic Servers? The article also has an official source to track down current servers in the following four regions – Americas & Oceania, Europe, Korea, and Taiwan.
WoW Classic Servers Tips
Before you go scanning the WoW classic server list here are some basic things you must know. Some vital info that will help you while playing online.
How to pick the right WoW Classic Server?
You can skip this part and jump down to read the WoW classic server list, but if you want to know the basics then continue here. Picking the right WoW classic server is a tedious task, if you landed into a highly populated server, you have no chance of growth. Due to the increasing demands of servers, Blizzard has provided a lot of new servers as well increased the capacity of the current one for NA and EU Region.
Due to the high WoW classic server population, it is best to avoid some of them. So finding Servers with Medium or Normal population is best to start your game.
- Realms: WoW Classic Servers have a different type of reams like PvP, PvE, and RP. You will have to decide one among the different WoW classic realms.
- Population: At the login page you will see the amount of current population on the WoW Classic Server list. If it is high then you will have to wait in the login queue. Servers with Medium and Low population are instantly accessible.
- Language: Servers are divided into different languages in the EU region. Check this first before entering, you will see languages like German, French, Spanish, etc.
PvE vs PvP – Which is the best choice?
WoW, Classic Servers allows players to turn this feature on and off. They can choose to enable PvP or turn it off on any server. On the PvP server (Player vs. Player), other players can attack you while on PvE (Player vs. Environment) attack is limited. In PvP, you are always vulnerable to an incoming attack, but safe in some areas like Sanctuaries. In PvE, you can enter into battle in Duels, only when other players accept the request.
Role Playing mode in WoW Classic Servers
Not all servers in WoW classic realm list are RP. Some dedicated servers offer you a common activity where you can control the WoW character on a quest. There are some role-player servers in WoW Classic and this guide will help you to find that. If you are looking to have a story mode gameplay online then keep reading.
WoW Classic Servers Normal
Normal servers are the best choice to start with. You can choose to turn on PvP if you want. If you enable the mode you will be attacked by other players. It is your choice, the above WoW classic server list is best if you want to try out playing online or level up. You can create up to 10 Characters in WoW classic realm.
WoW Classic servers EU – Normal
- Mirage Raceway (English)
- Nethergarde Keep (English)
- Pyrewood Village (English)
- Auberdine (French)
- Everlook (German)
- Razorfen (German)
- Lakeshire (German)
- Chromie (Russian)
WoW Classic servers US – Normal
- Ashkandi (Eastern)
- Atiesh (Pacific)
- Azuresong (Pacific)
- Mankrik (Eastern)
- Myzrael (Pacific)
- Old Blanchy (Pacific)
- Pagle (Eastern)
- Westfall (Eastern)
- Windseeker (Eastern)
WoW Classic servers Oceanic – Normal
- Remulos (Australian Eastern Time)
WoW Classic Servers (PvP)
Want competition then here are WoW Classic realm list of servers with PvP on. When you join here PvP is on by default and you can either attack other players settlement or fall into a battle. So if you are planning to go for challenges then here is a list of WoW Classic PvP servers.
WoW Classic PvP Servers List EU – English
- Ashbringer (English)
- Bloodfang (English)
- Dreadmist (English)
- Firemaw (English)
- Flamelash (English)
- Gandling (English)
- Gehennas (English)
- Golemagg (English)
- Judgement (English)
- Mograine (English)
- Noggenfogger (English)
- Razorgore (English)
- Shazzrah (English)
- Skullflame (English)
- Stonespine (English)
- Ten Storms (English)
WoW Classic PvP Servers List EU – French
- Amnennar (French)
- Sulfuron (French)
- Finkle (French)
WoW Classic PvP Servers List EU – German
- Lucifron (German)
- Venoxis (German)
- Patchwerk (German)
- Dragon’s Call (German)
- Transcendence (German)
WoW Classic PvP Servers List EU – Russian
- Flamegor (Russian)
- Wyrmthalak (Russian)
- Rhok’delar (Russian)
WoW Classic PvP Servers List US – Pacific
- Anathema (Pacific)
- Bigglesworth (Pacific)
- Blaumeux (Pacific)
- Fairbanks (Pacific)
- Kurinaxx (Pacific)
- Thunderfury (Pacific)
- Whitemane (Pacific)
- Smolderweb (Pacific)
- Rattlegore (Pacific)
WoW Classic PvP Servers List US – Eastern
- Benediction (Eastern)
- Faerlina (Eastern)
- Herrod (Eastern)
- Incendius (Eastern)
- Kirtonos (Eastern)
- Kromcrush (Eastern)
- Netherwind (Eastern)
- Skeram (Eastern)
- Stalagg (Eastern)
- Sulfuras (Eastern)
- Thalnos (Eastern)
WoW Classic PvP Servers List US – Oceanic
- Arugal (Australian Eastern Time)
- Felstriker (Australian Eastern Time)
- Yojamba (Australian Eastern Time)
WoW Classic Roleplay Servers List – EU
- Hydraxian Waterlords – Normal (English)
- Zandalar Tribe – PvP (English)
WoW Classic Roleplay Servers List – US
- Bloodsail Buccaneers – Normal (Eastern)
- Deviant Delight – PvP (Eastern)
- Grobbulus – PvP (Pacific)
WoW Classic Server Status
You can have a look on the real-time status of WoW Classic Servers by vising the following link – You can find the server status, a green tick indicate the server live stats along with its real name, type and info about the population. You can also see the time zone and language. So if you are looking for real-time updates then click the link and check out now.