What is CP in Apex Legends Season 5?

Here's how you can get CP in Apex Legends

The newest season of Apex Legends is here. It’s called Fortune’s Favor and with it, it has brought along a new Battle Pass and new rewards. In this season, you will notice a brand new addition called CP. Are you wondering what is CP in Apex Legends Season 5? In this guide, you will find out all about it.

What is CP and How to Get it in Apex Legends?

CP means Challenge Points. Here’s how CP will come into the picture and help you advance in the game.

You can complete weekly challenges to earn a Battle Pass level or Challenge Points, although it might take longer to complete and are more difficult.

But this isn’t the only way to get CP in Apex Legends. There will be four challenges to complete daily which can include tasks like playing a certain number of games, getting a certain number of kills, playing with particular Legends and more. When you complete these challenges, you will earn Challenge Points (CP). These points may range from 1000 to 3000 depending on the challenge.

Keep doing this every day and keep earning CP. Once you earn 45,000 Challenge Points and XP, you will be granted a Battle Pass level.

That’s not all. There’s one more way you can get CP in Apex Legends and that’s through the quests. While playing, you will find Treasure Packs that might contain CP. In all, there are 45 Treasure Packs that you can get your hands on every day, so that’s a lot of opportunity to get some CP.

Know more about what’s new in Apex Legends Season 5 Fortune’s Favor Battle Pass Guide. Check out all our Apex Legends news and guides as well.