
Valheim: How To Break Rock Formations

Here's how to break rocks and get stones in Valheim.

Valheim succeeds in taking you to the realm of Norse myths and make you fulfill your dream of being a Viking. You are left alone in this desolated world to hunt, feed, and survive yourself. From the beginning of the game, you are provided with seldom clues and fewer hints on how to complete each task. And yes it involves chopping woods and breaking rocks. You start your life in this realm by building a Hammer.

Then you will get a recipe from Odin’s raven Hugin, about how to make an Axe in this world, using 5 Wood and 4 Stone. Many of us have started smashing bushes for wood, but to failed to break a rock to collect wood. All we could do was pick up stones from the ground. This got many of us wondering, How to break rocks in Valheim? So if you are struck by the same dilemma, let’s dive into this guide to solve this mystery forever.

How to Break Rock Formations in Valheim?

To break rocks in Valheim you need to craft a Pickaxe by beating the first Forsaken boss Eikthyr. You need to collect his Hard antler and use this to craft the Antler Pickaxe in the Workbench. This is the very first Pickaxe you get in the game. Use this Antler Pickaxe to mine everything from stone to metals like Iron.

How to Get Stone Before Pickaxe in Valheim?

You can collect stones before crafting your first Pickaxe. The easiest way is to find them scattered across the ground, and picking them up. Once you kill Eikthyr, you will come across Greydwarfs who will always drop stones upon death. Sone can be to make Stone Axe as mentioned above and also a Stone Pickaxe. It can also be used to make stone buildings with Stonewall, stone floor, arch, pillars, etc by unlocking them with a Stonecutter.

That’s everything you need to know regarding stone in Valheim. While you’re here, get more hidden secrets in our Valheim Wiki Guide. Also, check out more tips & tricks that will help you level up your gameplay in our Valheim guides.

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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