Marvel's Avengers

Where To Find Turbulence Mission In Marvel’s Avengers

It is mandatory to finish Turbulence (Elite) for The Reigning Supreme mission chain.

If you are finding it difficult to track down the Turbulence (Elite) mission as it is nowhere to be seen with a green icon at the War Table, in this guide we will explain how you can find Turbulence (Elit) in Marvel’s Avengers. Notably, it is mandatory to finish Turbulence (Elite) for The Reigning Supreme mission chain, which is said to be the most rewarding objectives to complete in Marvel’s Avengers.

During Step 3, The Reigning Supreme Mission Chain is called Shot in the Dark. It has multiple objectives such increasing reputation, completing a vault, etc and the prime objective is the Tubelence (Elite) mission to be completed in Marvel’s Avengers.

Where To Find Turbulence Mission In Marvel’s Avengers

In order to complete the Turbulence (Elite) mission, you will have to locate the Pacific Northwest on the War Table. It can be found on the East side of the map. Since it is an Elit mission, so on the basis of your current level, it may be a good idea to select the difficulty and take it down a notch if it’s too high. Or knock it up a notch, if you are confident in a +3 or +4 mission attempt. +5’s could be very tough for you unless or until you don’t have some pro at your side.

That’s all you need to know about the Turbulence Mission in Marvel’s Avengers. Don’t forget to read more such helpful tips in our Marvel’s Avengers Guides.

Eddy Robert

Aside from my Passion for Games, I am also a Professional Guitarist at The Harp, UK. Now working as a Freelance News and Guides writer at GamerTweak. You can reach me at

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