How To Get The Trinity Ghoul Catalyst In Destiny 2 Season Of Arrivals

The catalyst is here!

For those who have the Trinity Ghoul Exotic bow, there’s some good news. A Trinity Ghoul catalyst has now been added in Destiny 2 Season of Arrivals. In this guide, we will cover the topic of how to get the Trinity Ghoul catalyst in Destiny 2.

Trinity Ghoul Catalyst in Destiny 2 Season of Arrivals


It’s important to note that there is not fixed drop location for the Trinity Ghoul catalyst. Some of the ways that players have grabbed it are from Crucible matches, Nightfalls, Playlist Strikes and as drops from Trials. So, while we don’t have a sure-shot way of getting this catalyst, farming is the way to go.

Let’s take a deeper look at this weapon and how this catalyst can add to it. The Trinity Ghoul is an Exotic Bow that can cause electrical damage to enemies. One of its best perks is the Lightning Rod where precision kills will grant the next shot with chain-lightning capabilities. It’s perfect for killing mobs and unleashing AoE destruction.There’s also Split Electron which fires an arrow that splits when it is released. It’s pretty cool.

Remember that after acquiring this catalyst, you must kill 400 opponents with it. This is where the Lightning Rod ability will come very handy, so be sure to use it. The best thing about this ability is that even if you change multiple weapons, fire with them and change back to this Exotic Bow, the Lightning Rod ability will stay as it is.

More benefits of this Catalyst

This catalyst will upgrade the Trinity Ghoul to a Masterwork and create Orbs on killing multiple enemies. A tracker will also show how many opponents you defeated with this weapon. Plus, more capabilities will be unlocked with the Masterworked weapon.

When it is upgraded completely, the Charge Time as well as the Draw Time will be lowered which is great news for players. Finally, the Forked Lightning perk also gets unlocked wherein the Lightning Rod will trigger from any Arc damage final blow.

So that’s everything about the Trinity Ghoul catalyst in Destiny 2 Season of Arrivals. Stay with GamerTweak for more useful guides about this Destiny 2 new season.