THPS 1 + 2: How to Wallride 5 Bells at the School II

Wallride 5 bells to complete a park goal in the School II.

Similar to the School level in THPS 1, you need to collect 5 bells as a part of the course goals in School II. Finding all the bells scattered across the entire map is both difficult and time-consuming. Hence, we are here with thig guide on how to wallride 5 bells at the School II in THPS 1 + 2.

How to Wallride Bells at The School II

To wallride bells at The School, all you need to do is grind. To do this press Y on Xbox One or Triangle on PS4. That’s how you wallride, without pressing this grinding button won’t help you to reach the bells located on the walls.

Where to Find The Bells at The School II

First Bell

The first bell is always easy across all the levels in THPS 1 + 2. You will find this one to the right of where you have just spawned. Simply skate over the ramp and wallride to get this bell.

Second Bell

When you have the first bell, head straight down the hallway to get the next one. While heading down, turn left to find a wooden ramp, and above it is the second bell.

Third Bell

Now head down, and go past the buildings and the construction blocks. Continue moving straight and you will find a yellow-colored metal wall. The third bell is located on the wall.

Fourth Bell

Turn left from the metal wall and go past the two modular trailers. In the next room, find the blue dumpster lying in front of a wall with graffiti. Above the dumpster and beneath the graffiti is the fourth bell.

Fifth Bell

Now turn around and head to the decline that you took after finding the second bell. The last bell awaits you on the wall of the school building.

That’s where to find 5 bells at the School II in THPS 1 + 2. There’s another such mission of finding the Liberty bells in Philadelphia in the game.