Robert Pattinson’s The Batman Suit Is Officially Coming To Arkham Knight

Bat-fans rejoice as Robert Pattison’s suit from The Batman is officially coming first on Nintendo Switch, then all the platforms.

While Robert Pattinson’s The Batman suit was accidentally revealed and removed from the Epic Games Stores last month, WB Games confirmed it will be coming out officially as a free skin. This will allow players to don the new bat-suit from the movie, The Batman (2022). Considering there hasn’t been an update in recent times, the new skin is refreshing for the stead-fast players.

But that said, this free DLC will be available for Nintendo Switch players first. Then, it will be eventually added and available for other platforms. So, here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming skin.

The Batman Suit is Officially Coming to Arkham Knight for Free

The Batman Suit Officially Coming to Arkham Knight for Free
Image Source – Nintendo on YouTube.

Robert Pattinson’s suit from The Batman will be available on Nintendo Switch on December 1, as a part of the Batman: Arkham Knight Trilogy. This includes Batman: Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight in one compilation as confirmed in their official tweet. It will be added as free downloadable content for Arkham Knight on other platforms including PS4, Xbox One, and PC at a later date as confirmed in the trailer. Even though Rocksteady Studios has added several costumes after the release, the latest update is an amazing addition.

That said, some PC players have tried out this Batman suit when it was accidentally added to the Epic Games Store. The suit was added as a silent update and was removed without any notice after years of no update. When the suit was added, the skin was called “The Batman 2022” and its description read “I am the Shadows“. So, the update raised the brows of many players wishing for a new skin.

For the players wondering why the suit was removed from the game, now you know the answer. Perhaps, Warner Bros Games might have been saving up the bat-suit for this occasion. Letting the bygones be bygones, this time The Batman suit won’t be removed from the game (hopefully).

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