Escape From Tarkov Console Commands List

Here are all EFT Console Commands that you can enable and use in the game.

EFT is a super realistic online action RPG that is extremely popular. Naturally, players are searching for Escape From Tarkov Console Commands that could give them an advantage in the game. What are they, and how do they help you? Find out if there are any EFT cheats that you can use to get an edge over the other players.

Escape From Tarkov Console Commands

Unlike console commands for other games, which give you boosts or other benefits, the Escape From Tarkov Console Commands don’t offer much. That is understandable because this game is purely online, and you don’t want to get any unfair advantages.

But there are a few things EFT console commands do, and you can activate and enable the commands by pressing the tilde key (~):

  • help – this will show you a list of all commands you can use.
  • fps {mode} – This EFT command will add an overlay with some info.
    • Using 0 will turn off the overlay.
    • When you use 1 instead of mode in this command, you will get an overlay that shows the FPS limit and FPS.
    • Using 2 instead of a mode gives you FPS limit, FPS, RTT (ping), and PlayerRTT.
      • When you use 3, you get an overlay with lots of added information, including:
      • Render, ms
      • Frame, ms
      • Net, ms
      • Buffer count
      • ServerTime
      • ServerFixedUpdate
      • Average fuFPS
      • fuFPS
      • Single fuFPS
      • Update
      • GameUpdate
      • and more.
  • perftest {duration in seconds} {interval in seconds} {name of the test} – This console command will save the performance values in a file that you can locate in the Escape from Tarkov > Logs folder. The file should have FDebug_perftest.log in its name.
  • quit – This command acts just like using ALT+F4 in the game. You can immediately force-close the game instead of opening up and ‘ending the task’ in the task manager.
  • quit_with_code {code} – This EFT console command funtions just like normal “quit” command, but you now the ability to show a Debug system error code to be show.

EFT console commands how to use enable

There used to be more commands, but they have been removed. They were:

  • rdp {type} – This sets the Mouse Axis Update Type, and the type could be 1 or 0.
  • audspa {enabled} – This command could turn audio spatialization on or off.
  • audbin {enabled} – With this command, you can turn binaural audio on or off.
  • audpreset {preset} – You could set the steamaudio preset (with a number between 0 to 3) with this EFT console command.

If the developers add more console commands, we will update them right here. Meanwhile, don’t forget to check out our other EFT guides such as how to fix long queue times and stuck on matching issue and how to beat Tagilla boss.