GTA Vice City Stretch Cars can be found at two locations and there are three Stretch Limos: White, Gold, and Black. The places and missions linked with the cars vary and can be confusing at times. But the new lord of the city needs a good-looking car, so read along and learn what missions to complete and what tricks and tips to follow for unlocking and getting Stretch Cars in this Grand Theft Auto version. This car resembles a real Cadillac DeVille Limousine, so it is worth the effort.
How to Get Stretch Limousine in GTA Vice City

White Stretch Limousine
The normal white color Vice City Stretch car is at the Vercetti Estate of Starfish Island in Classic and Definitive editions. You will find the car beside the stairs of the estate, but you need to eliminate Ricardo Diaz by completing Rub Out to get hold of the mansion and cars. If you don’t see the White Stretch Limo there even after completing the mission, then you will see Admiral there. Take that Admiral, drive somewhere, and get rid of it. You will get Stretch Limo after repeating the process three to four times. And in case you still don’t see the car, check out the estate garage and get rid of the cars there, Limo sometimes Spawn there.
How to Get a Black Limo in GTA Vice City
Avery Carrington owns Black Limo, and you cannot get it through mission or task. Killing is not an option too. The only way to get this car is by painting the White Limo. And for that, you have to use the cheat code “IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK” outside the Vercetti Estate and then enter to find a black car beside the stairs.
Golden Limousine of GTA Vice City
Candice Shand is the owner of the Gold Stretch, so you kill her and her driver to get ownership of the car. But that is not all, you have to first complete a mission called “Martha’s Mug Shot” after whose last cutscene, you will find the car and own it by getting rid of the Candy and Driver. You cannot pull the driver out, so get rid of him.
This is all players need to do to get three GTA Vice City Stretch Cars or Limos. Vice City is huge, so there are many things you can do there. If you are interested, try these cheat codes and explore the new world.