Elden Ring – How To Get The Storm Stomp Ashes Of War?

Learn how to get the Ashes of War: Storm Stomp in Elden Ring from this guide.

In Elden Ring, weapons are your main tools of combat if you haven’t taken any of the magical classes. As such, you will need to find power-ups & upgrades for your said weapons. One way to enhance them is by applying Ashes of War. One such Ashes of War is the Storm Stomp one. It is an easy early game Ashes of War that will prove effective in your journey through the Lands Between. In this guide, I will show you how to get the Ashes of War: Storm Stomp in Elden Ring.

How to Get the Storm Stomp Ashes of War in Elden Ring

storm stomp location elden ring

Like I have mentioned above, getting the Ashes of War: Storm Stomp is pretty easy in the early game. The location of the Ashes of War is in the eastern part of the Gatefront Ruins, near the brick path. You will find a staircase that leads to an underground passage. From there, you will find a room at the underground passage that contains a Treasure Chest. Loot that Chest and you will get a Whetstone Knife as well as the Ashes of War: Storm Stomp.

It is a good AOE move that stuns your enemies that come in range. Storm Stomp does not do much damage but it can be useful in staggering the enemies. It works very well if you use a Shield alongside your Weapon. If you are using a Shield, make sure to have a Sheild with No Skill on it else your character will perform the Skill of the Shield. If you are using a Two-handed weapon, make sure you are in the two-handed mode to use Storm Stomp in Elden Ring.

This was all about getting the Ashes of War: Storm Stomp in Elden Ring. Hopefully, this guide has helped you. You can check out our guides on Best Bandit Class Build Guide in Elden Ring.