
How To Make A Spectral Arrow In Minecraft?

Learn how to make a Spectral Arrow in Minecraft.

The Spectral Arrow is a special kind of arrow in Minecraft that you can craft and use. This arrow has some special abilities in the game that have certain stat effects which set it apart. However, like a lot of stuff in Minecraft, there aren’t any specific instructions on how to make and craft one in the game. Luckily, we have all the steps that you will need to follow in order to do this successfully. So, scroll down and find out how to craft a Spectral Arrow.

How to craft a Spectral Arrow in Minecraft?

  • To craft a spectral arrow you will need the following resources: one arrow and four units of glowstone dust.
  • The next step is to open the 3×3 crafting square and placing the items in a specific order.
  • Place the arrow in the center of the square.
  • Next, proceed to place a unit of glowstone dust in the center square of the top row.
  • The second unit of glowstone dust goes in the center square of the bottom row.
  • For the third unit of glowstone dust place it in the center square of the left-most column.
  • The very last unit of glowstone dust should go in the center square of the right-most column to make a Spectral Arrow in Minecraft.
  • Once you do the following you will have crafted a Spectral Arrow.

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The use of the Spectral Arrow is to create a sort of glow around the object you shoot. Anything that you shoot will have a sort of astral glow around it. This will last for about 10 seconds. However, do note that it also causes normal damage, just like an arrow will.

This is everything you need to know about how to craft and make a Spectral Arrow in Minecraft. While you are here you can also have a look at how to get the Lego texture pack.

Mihir Hate

Decided to become a writer because he started getting good at writing Instagram captions for his friends. Would be better at playing the games he reviews if he didn't spend so much time looking at shoes.

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