Video Game Guides

Slime Rancher 2 Radiant Ore: How To Get

Check out our guide on how to get Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2.

Slime Rancher 2 is a successor to the series and is a first-person life simulation and adventure video game by Monomi Park. As you progress into the game, you need to gather several resources to craft different types of gadgets. One of these resources includes Radiant Ore which can be used to craft Jetpack. But as it is a pretty rare resource to find, several players are scratching their heads over it. Not to worry, check out our guide on how to get Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2.

How to Get Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2

You can find plenty of Radiant Ore on Rainbow Island. As you reach there, head inside the cave and pass through it to get to a cliff. You don’t need to drop down that cliff. You need to search for this Ore around the upper cliff. It is a purple-colored rock rooting out from the ground.

  • Alternatively, you can also find them in the Starland Strand and the Ember Valley region. But to reach both of these locations, you need to use the Teleporter.
  • You can find the Teleporter hidden behind the enormous slimes, Pink Gordo, and the Cotton Gordo.
  • You will find them both on the first island that you started with. The only way to get past these slimes is to feed them food until they explode.
  • While you can feed vegetables to Cotton Gordo, all the food items work for the Pink Gordo.
  • If the Cotton Gordo doesn’t let you get past, we suggest feeding it the Watter Lettuce.
  • As you reach the Starlight Strand, you won’t find Radiant Ore anywhere around the area.
  • You need to unlock the different doors with the specific slime. This will be indicated by the slot as you unlock them.
  • Speaking of the Ember Valley region, you can find several Radiant Ore by exploring and searching around the region.
Image Source – RedDeadX on YouTube.

Once you have enough Radiant Ore, you can head back to the Base to craft the Jetpack gadget.

That’s everything covered about Radiant Ore in Slime Rancher 2. If you liked this guide, check out our guide on how to unlock Tank Guard and Tank Liner location in Slime Rancher 2 right here on Gamer Tweak.

Shubham Nema

Hi! I am a Writer/Blogger/Cinephile/Quantum Physicist. The last one is not true but the rest of them sure are (I swear on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity).

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