Hogwarts Legacy

How To Pause Or Skip Hogwarts Legacy Cutscenes & Dialogues (PC, PS5, & Xbox Consoles)

Bored of long Cutscenes? Check out our guide on how to skip cutscenes and dialogues in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy invites all Harry Potter fans across the Muggle world to board the platform 9¾. But if you are looking to speed-run through the game and explore other things, you might want to skip through unimportant scenes. Honestly, seeing all the cutscenes and listening to NPC characters can be a bit daunting task. This has got a majority of players wondering if there is an option to skip. On the other hand, several players are also looking to pause these cutscenes. Not to worry, check out our guide to find out if you can pause or skip the Hogwarts Legacy Cutscenes and dialogues.

Can You Skip Hogwarts Legacy Cutscenes & Dialogues? (Answered)

The answer to that question is Yes. You can skip the cutscenes or dialogues you don’t wish to see and listen to in Hogwarts Legacy. For that, all you need to do is hit the key buttons or controls to your right when prompted. So, here’s how you can skip the cutscenes and dialogues on all supported platforms:

  • Windows PC: Click the right-click mouse button.
  • Xbox Series X | S: Hit the Y button on your controller.
  • PlayStation 5: Hit the Triangle button when you are prompted to skip.

While skipping the cutscenes would allow you to speed-run through the game, be careful when skipping the dialogues. That’s because you might not get the context of the main quest or side quest. You might also not want to skip every cutscene thrown at you. But as there are plenty of cutscenes for sidequests that don’t add up to the main storyline, skipping them can be a good idea.

Can You Pause the Cutscenes?

Unfortunately, you cannot pause Hogwarts Legacy cutscenes. You can either go through them or you can skip them to progress further. But regardless, there’s a simple workaround to pause these cutscenes for console players.

  • For PS5 players, you can hit the PS button to prompt the Homescreen. Once you want to unpause, simply press the PS button to get back to the game.
  • Similar to PS5, you can press the Xbox button for Xbox Series S | X consoles. But make sure not to hold the button for long as it will turn off.
  • But sadly for PC players, you have no other option rather than going through the cutscenes. You can simply skip the cutscenes and pause the game later.

That’s everything covered about how to skip Hogwarts Legacy cutscenes and dialogues. If you liked this guide, check out our guides on how to summon and equip a broom, how to save Anne, how to get infinite Wiggengeld Potions, and more Hogwarts Legacy Guides in our dedicated section right here on Gamer Tweak.

Shubham Nema

Hi! I am a Writer/Blogger/Cinephile/Quantum Physicist. The last one is not true but the rest of them sure are (I swear on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity).

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