Video Game Guides

Age Of Wonders 4 Save Location: How To Backup Files

Here is the Steam and Epic Games save file location for Age of Wonders 4.

In AoW4 you can design and rule over a realm that you yourself design. And as fun as it is, it can easily ruin when your game saves get corrupted and you end up losing all your progress. But if you know the location of your save files in Age of Wonders 4 then that can be easily prevented. So here is its location and how you can back up and restore them.

Age of Wonders 4 Save File Location

Depending on whether you got your game from Steam or Epic Games on your PC, you can find the game’s Save Files at the following locations:

  • Steam
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YourUserIdNumber\1669000\remote\save
    • This should be the general path for most users, but if you have a custom installation then this location changes. In case you do have a custom location then this is the location where you can find your folder: \YourSteamGamesInstallationLocation\userdata\YourUserIdNumber\1669000\remote\save
  • Epic Games
    • There are 4 possible paths where you can find your Save files for this game for Epic Games
      • C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\AgeofWonders4\Saved\SaveGames\
      • C:\Users\username\Saved Games\
      • C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games
      • C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\AgeofWonders4\Saved\

How to Backup AoW4 Game Saves

You simply need to copy the save folder of AoW4 and paste it to another location to restore later.

  1. Open File Explorer. You can press the Windows Key and search for it quickly.
  2. Go to the above location based on where you bought the game from that is Steam or Epic Games.
  3. Copy the save folder.
  4. Now, create a new folder in another directory and paste the save folder here. This will back up all your save files.

Try backing up files after your game sessions regularly. This will help you save your progress if your game files get corrupted, especially after some updates.

How to Restore AoW4 Game Saves

If you backed up the files using the above steps. Then you can easily restore your save files by copying the save folder from your new directory and pasting it back into the actual game save locations given above.

That’s all for the save locations for the game files for AoW4. For more help with this game check out our best Tomes Tier list, how City Cap works, and all its Cheat Codes.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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