The Grand Lift of Rold is an important location in Elden Ring, and knowing its route can be quite essential. This particular location is rather elusive in the game, making it tricky for players to find their way. Considering the importance of the lift in Elden Ring’s main story, it’s quite easy to see why players would want to know its location, which is why we have got just the guide for you. Here, we will show you all you need to do in order to get to the location of the Grand Lift of Rold route.
How to Get to Grand Lift of Rold Route Location in Elden Ring
To get to the Grand Lift of Rold route in Elden Ring, you first need to find Leyndell, Royal Capital. Unlocking this particular area will allow you to gain access to its map fragment. With the help of this fragment, you will find it easier to get to the lift.
Once you acquire the said fragment, make your way to Leyndell’s main road. Head over to the Site of Grace at Avenue Balcony, and then continue to move south to get to the main road. Once on the main road, you need to move towards the east. Keep doing so until you arrive at a large doorway. Opening the said doorway will see you unlock and open the eastern borders of the capital city in Elden Ring. Keep moving forward from here up a staircase. On your way, be wary of any enemies. We recommend you preferably ignore these enemies and keep moving ahead.
Upon making your way up these stairs, you will find an elevator lever. While this lever does not belong to the Grand Lift of Rold, it does play an important part in your quest to get to its route in Elden Ring.
Atop this elevator, you will find a lengthy bridge. This bridge takes you to yet another elevator. Taking this elevator will see you head down to the Forbidden Lands.
In order to get to the route of the Grand Lift of Rold, you will need to cross these lands. On your way, you will come across two enemies. They are, Night’s Cavalry and the Black Blade Kindred. You will find the latter at the foot of the steps at the Grand Lift itself.
Once you defeat and get past both of these enemies, you will arrive at the Grand Lift of Rold. Now, all you need to do is activate the lift with Rold’s Medallion, which you will have received from Melina. And that’s about it. Using the said medallion will see you unlock and activate the Grand Lift of Rold in Elden Ring.
As you can see, getting to the route of Rold is actually not too difficult. We recommend you follow all of the steps in this guide to get to the lift as quickly as possible. Once you get past all the enemies and obstacles, you will finally find yourself at the coveted Grand Lift of Rold.
And now that you know how to get to this lift, take a look at ourĀ Elden Ring Guides.