How To Get All Ride Upgrades For Koraidon And Miraidon In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Here is how to unlock all ride upgrades for Koraidon and Miraidon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

Travelling through the vast overworld of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet has been made easier albeit a little slow. Pokemon that resemble vehicles – Koraidon and Miraidon have been introduced to the latest game. Whilst Koraidon is exclusive to Scarlet trainers, its counterpart is available for Violet trainers only. But what if I tell you there is a way to make them not only faster but also help them gain other upgrades such as swimming, gliding and so much more. Well, you’re at the right place if you want to learn about this. Here’s how to unlock all ride upgrades for Koraidon and Miraidon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

Unlocking All Ride Upgrades for Koraidon and Miraidon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

There are a total of five upgrades which apply to both Koraidon and Miraidon in Pokemon SV. These upgrades can only be unlocked after you defeat five Titan Pokemon. You will encounter them as you progress through the Path of Legends storyline in the Paldea region. Here are all the five upgrades and the titans that you will need to defeat to unlock them.

Also Read: How to Catch Titans in Pokemon SV

All Five Upgrades in Pokemon SV

  • Sprint upgrade – Stony Cliff Titan (Klawf)
  • Swim upgrade – Open Sky Titan (Bombirdier)
  • Jump upgrade – Lurking Steel Titan (Orthworm)
  • Glide upgrade – Quaking Earth Titan (Great Tusk for Scarlet/Iron Treads for Violet)
  • Climb upgrade – False Dragon Titan

After defeating each Titan, Arven will make Herba Mystica sandwiches. You will have to feed these to Koraidon and Miraidon to help them learn new moves. Following are the types of Herba Mystica and the moves they can provide.

Moraidon Ride Upgrades in Pokemon SV

All Herba Mystica for Koraidon & Miraidon

  • Sweet Herba Mystica – Sprinting
  • Salty Herba Mystica – Jumping
  • Bitter Herba Mystica – Swimming
  • Sour Herba Mystica – Gliding
  • Spicy Herba Mystica – Climbing

Your Koraidon and Miraidon will learn a new move after you feed them sandwiches with the specific Herba Mystica. That is all you need to unlock all ride upgrades for Koraidon and Miraidon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. If this guide helped you, stay tuned for more tips on our Pokemon SV page right here.