
MultiVersus: How Does Rested XP System Work (Explained)

Here is how rested XP works in MultiVersus.

Rested XP is the new retention mechanic in MultiVersus that you can use to progress your battle pass faster. Many games have a thing called daily rewards that you can find commonly in mobile games. And daily missions are a very common thing in games like Fortnite, Valorant, and more. MultiVersus has interestingly combined both of these mechanics as rested XP. So in this guide let us check how the rested XP system works in MultiVersus.

How does Rested XP work in MultiVersus

Image Credit: The Shader Gamer on YouTube

Rested XP works by granting players more XP for playing daily. So instead of you playing in one sitting for 4-5 hours, the game encourages you to play for short sessions daily. It is indicated by a pink meter under the Play button on the main screen. When it is in effect you can also see your Daily missions have that pink symbol beside them.

This meter depletes with each match that you play. So be sure to complete your missions while it is in effect. It depletes on every mode, that means it will exhaust no matter if you complete a match in 1v1, teams, or free for all mode. And once it reaches zero you will no longer get 2x experience in your matches.

But don’t worry it isn’t gone forever and there is a way to refill it.

How to Refill Rested XP

You can recharge your rested XP by not playing the game. It might sound counterproductive but that is how you refill it. Once the Rested XP meter depletes completely you will have to wait for one full day that is 24 hours to get this bonus back.

How to use it effectively

These are some tips that should help you use your rested XP effectively.

  • Don’t deplete it: As explained above you have to wait for 24 hours if your Rested XP reaches zero. So instead play a few matches and complete your missions as much as possible while you still have Rested XP left.
  • Change your missions: Change the daily missions that you don’t like or can’t complete by rerolling them. If you get easier missions you should be able to complete them before the pink meter depletes.

That covers this guide on how the Rested XP system works in MultiVersus. I also suggest you check our other guides on how to check your MMR and how to play Ranked mode in this game. And for more help check out our MultiVersus guides.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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