Infinite Craft: How to Make Woman and Girl

Know which are the fundamental components to make Girl and Woman blocks in Infinite Craft.

The reason why Infinite Craft is so addictive is that you can lose hours of your day trying to figure out the endless combinations that the game offers. While you can craft some complex concepts, you can also create simple terms like Woman and Girl as blocks in this game. If that’s what you’re looking for, here’s our step-by-step guide.

Note: While randomly combining items, you may land up on these words with much shorter combos. However, if you are starting from scratch, you can follow these steps to unlock a lot of new blocks for future crafting.

How to Make Woman in Infinite Craft

  1. Water + Fire = Steam
  2. Wind + Fire = Smoke
  3. Earth + Wind = Dust
  4. Earth + Steam = Mud
  5. Water + Smoke = Fog
  6. Earth + Dust = Planet
  7. Planet + Fog = Venus
  8. Venus + Mud = Adam
  9. Adam + Earth = Man
  10. Adam + Man = Woman
recipe combo to make woman in infinite craft

How to Make Girl in Infinite Craft

There are loads of combinations to finally reach ‘Girl’ in Infinite Craft which can seem tedious. But as I mentioned above, if you’re also interested in unlocking unique words, doing this is worth the time spent.

  1. Earth + Wind = Dust
  2. Fire + Water = Steam
  3. Earth + Water = Plant
  4. Dust + Earth = Planet
  5. Water + Water = Lake
  6. Plant + Steam = Tea
  7. Planet + Wind = Storm
  8. Planet + Steam = Steampunk
  9. Lake + Water = Ocean
  10. Storm + Tea = Tempest
  11. Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
  12. Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  13. Plant + Tempest = Tree
  14. Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
  15. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  16. Dandelion + Dandelion = Dandelion Patch
  17. Dust + Tree = Wood
  18. Ocean + Ocean = Sea
  19. Earth + Fire = Lava
  20. Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
  21. Dust + Water = Mud
  22. Dandelion Patch + Lake = Duck
  23. Fire + Wood = Campfire
  24. Lava + Sea = Stone
  25. Steam + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Pirate Ship
  26. Mud + Steampunk Tree = Swamp
  27. Dust + Plant = Pollen
  28. Duck + Water = Duckling
  29. Steampunk Pirate + Wind = Airship
  30. Tea + Tempest = Typhoon
  31. Campfire + Earth = Charcoal
  32. Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone = Stonehenge
  33. Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
  34. Ocean + Pollen = Coral
  35. Duck + Duckling = Family
  36. Airship + Lava = Dragon
  37. Lava + Typhoon = Volcano
  38. Charcoal + Charcoal = Coal
  39. Steam + Stonehenge = Time
  40. Coral + Venus Flytrap = Coral Reef
  41. Earth + Family = Farm
  42. Dandelion + Dragon = Dragonfly
  43. Dust + Volcano = Ash
  44. Coal + Fire = Diamond
  45. Airship + Fire = Crash
  46. Lake + Time = Aeon
  47. Earth + Tea = Teapot
  48. Coral Reef + Steam = Fish
  49. Pollen + Wind = Allergy
  50. Farm + Plant = Food
  51. Fire + Steam = Engine
  52. Dragonfly + Dust = Fairy
  53. Ash + Dust = Cinder
  54. Dust + Ocean = Sand
  55. Crash + Diamond = Emerald
  56. Aeon + Time = Eternity
  57. Swamp + Teapot = Witch
  58. Fish + Lake = Fishing
  59. Allergy + Farm = Hay
  60. Ocean + Stone = Island
  61. Fire + Mud = Brick
  62. Fish + Water = Fishbowl
  63. Engine + Food = Fuel
  64. Earth + Farm = Field
  65. Fairy + Plant = Flower
  66. Cinder + Stone = Glass
  67. Sand + Storm = Dune
  68. Crash + Emerald = Green
  69. Aeon + Eternity = Forever
  70. Smoke + Witch = Wizard
  71. Fishing + Wind = Kite
  72. Hay + Water = Haystack
  73. Tempest + Water = Tsunami
  74. Brick + Island = Prison
  75. Fire + Fishbowl = Goldfish
  76. Fuel + Water = Gasoline
  77. Field + Steam = Fog
  78. Flower + Plant = Garden
  79. Fire + Glass = Lens
  80. Dune + Volcano = Mars
  81. Forever + Green = Money
  82. Smoke + Wizard = Genie
  83. Kite + Stone = Paper
  84. Haystack + Swamp = Mummy
  85. Prison + Tsunami = Prison Break
  86. Goldfish + Swamp = Piranha
  87. Fog + Gasoline = Smog
  88. Garden + Witch = Poison
  89. Lens + Swamp = Microscope
  90. Steam + Wizard = Cloud
  91. Engine + Mars = Rover
  92. Genie + Money = Rich
  93. Mummy + Paper = Wrap
  94. Plant + Prison Break = Weed
  95. Piranha + Smoke = Vampire
  96. Smog + Venus Flytrap = Air Pollution
  97. Crash + Poison = Toxic
  98. Cloud + Microscope = Rain
  99. Mars + Rover = Curiosity
  100. Hay + Plant = Horse
  101. Money + Rich = Richer
  102. Wrap + Wrap = Blanket
  103. Vampire + Weed = Count
  104. Air Pollution + Tsunami = Global Warming
  105. Rain + Toxic = Acid Rain
  106. Curiosity + Curiosity = Question
  107. Horse + Wind = Pegasus
  108. Stone + Stone = Boulder
  109. Blanket + Richer = Warmer
  110. Count + Count = Number
  111. Acid Rain + Global Warming = Climate Change
  112. Fire + Question = Answer
  113. Boulder + Pegasus = Rocking Horse
  114. Number + Warmer = Hotter
  115. Answer + Climate Change = Denial
  116. Dust + Rocking Horse = Toy
  117. Denial + Hotter = Not
  118. Not + Toy = Boy
  119. Boy + Not = Girl