The reason why Infinite Craft is so addictive is that you can lose hours of your day trying to figure out the endless combinations that the game offers. While you can craft some complex concepts, you can also create simple terms like Woman and Girl as blocks in this game. If that’s what you’re looking for, here’s our step-by-step guide.
Note: While randomly combining items, you may land up on these words with much shorter combos. However, if you are starting from scratch, you can follow these steps to unlock a lot of new blocks for future crafting.
How to Make Woman in Infinite Craft
- Water + Fire = Steam
- Wind + Fire = Smoke
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Earth + Steam = Mud
- Water + Smoke = Fog
- Earth + Dust = Planet
- Planet + Fog = Venus
- Venus + Mud = Adam
- Adam + Earth = Man
- Adam + Man = Woman
How to Make Girl in Infinite Craft
There are loads of combinations to finally reach ‘Girl’ in Infinite Craft which can seem tedious. But as I mentioned above, if you’re also interested in unlocking unique words, doing this is worth the time spent.
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Fire + Water = Steam
- Earth + Water = Plant
- Dust + Earth = Planet
- Water + Water = Lake
- Plant + Steam = Tea
- Planet + Wind = Storm
- Planet + Steam = Steampunk
- Lake + Water = Ocean
- Storm + Tea = Tempest
- Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
- Plant + Wind = Dandelion
- Plant + Tempest = Tree
- Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
- Fire + Wind = Smoke
- Dandelion + Dandelion = Dandelion Patch
- Dust + Tree = Wood
- Ocean + Ocean = Sea
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
- Dust + Water = Mud
- Dandelion Patch + Lake = Duck
- Fire + Wood = Campfire
- Lava + Sea = Stone
- Steam + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Pirate Ship
- Mud + Steampunk Tree = Swamp
- Dust + Plant = Pollen
- Duck + Water = Duckling
- Steampunk Pirate + Wind = Airship
- Tea + Tempest = Typhoon
- Campfire + Earth = Charcoal
- Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone = Stonehenge
- Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
- Ocean + Pollen = Coral
- Duck + Duckling = Family
- Airship + Lava = Dragon
- Lava + Typhoon = Volcano
- Charcoal + Charcoal = Coal
- Steam + Stonehenge = Time
- Coral + Venus Flytrap = Coral Reef
- Earth + Family = Farm
- Dandelion + Dragon = Dragonfly
- Dust + Volcano = Ash
- Coal + Fire = Diamond
- Airship + Fire = Crash
- Lake + Time = Aeon
- Earth + Tea = Teapot
- Coral Reef + Steam = Fish
- Pollen + Wind = Allergy
- Farm + Plant = Food
- Fire + Steam = Engine
- Dragonfly + Dust = Fairy
- Ash + Dust = Cinder
- Dust + Ocean = Sand
- Crash + Diamond = Emerald
- Aeon + Time = Eternity
- Swamp + Teapot = Witch
- Fish + Lake = Fishing
- Allergy + Farm = Hay
- Ocean + Stone = Island
- Fire + Mud = Brick
- Fish + Water = Fishbowl
- Engine + Food = Fuel
- Earth + Farm = Field
- Fairy + Plant = Flower
- Cinder + Stone = Glass
- Sand + Storm = Dune
- Crash + Emerald = Green
- Aeon + Eternity = Forever
- Smoke + Witch = Wizard
- Fishing + Wind = Kite
- Hay + Water = Haystack
- Tempest + Water = Tsunami
- Brick + Island = Prison
- Fire + Fishbowl = Goldfish
- Fuel + Water = Gasoline
- Field + Steam = Fog
- Flower + Plant = Garden
- Fire + Glass = Lens
- Dune + Volcano = Mars
- Forever + Green = Money
- Smoke + Wizard = Genie
- Kite + Stone = Paper
- Haystack + Swamp = Mummy
- Prison + Tsunami = Prison Break
- Goldfish + Swamp = Piranha
- Fog + Gasoline = Smog
- Garden + Witch = Poison
- Lens + Swamp = Microscope
- Steam + Wizard = Cloud
- Engine + Mars = Rover
- Genie + Money = Rich
- Mummy + Paper = Wrap
- Plant + Prison Break = Weed
- Piranha + Smoke = Vampire
- Smog + Venus Flytrap = Air Pollution
- Crash + Poison = Toxic
- Cloud + Microscope = Rain
- Mars + Rover = Curiosity
- Hay + Plant = Horse
- Money + Rich = Richer
- Wrap + Wrap = Blanket
- Vampire + Weed = Count
- Air Pollution + Tsunami = Global Warming
- Rain + Toxic = Acid Rain
- Curiosity + Curiosity = Question
- Horse + Wind = Pegasus
- Stone + Stone = Boulder
- Blanket + Richer = Warmer
- Count + Count = Number
- Acid Rain + Global Warming = Climate Change
- Fire + Question = Answer
- Boulder + Pegasus = Rocking Horse
- Number + Warmer = Hotter
- Answer + Climate Change = Denial
- Dust + Rocking Horse = Toy
- Denial + Hotter = Not
- Not + Toy = Boy
- Boy + Not = Girl