How To Get A Rainbow Samurai Dragon In Roblox Pet Simulator X

Read this article to learn how you can get the Rainbow Samurai Dragon, one of the best pets in Roblox Pet Simulator X.

The Rainbow Samurai Dragon is one of the best pets you can find in Roblox Pet Simulator X. In this article, we will show you how you can get your hands on this rare pet.

How to Get a Rainbow Samurai Dragon in Roblox Pet Simulator X?

rainbow samurai dragon pet simulator x

If you want to know how you can get a Rainbow Samurai Dragon in Roblox Pet Simulator X, keep reading the steps in this article.

  • To begin, you will first have to combine multiple Golden Samurai Dragons.
  • To do so, you will need to get Golden Samurai Dragons. For this, you will have to buy Golden Samurai eggs.
  • Each of these eggs will cost you around 2,120,000 Fantasy Coins.
  • Because of the high cost, you will first need to collect and save enough Fantasy Coins.
  • As Samurai Dragons have a very small drop percentage, you will have to enable your Ultra Lucky and Super Lucky boosts. Doing so will increase your chances of getting these pets.
  • Additionally, you can also follow the more time-consuming method of fusing together 12 Golden Pets to get a Golden Samurai Dragon. You can use this option if you have spare Golden Pets in your inventory.
  • Once you collect Golden Samurai Dragons, you will need to go to the Rainbow Pets Maker.
  • You will find this in the Mine.
  • Combining all of your Golden Samurai Dragons will give you a Rainbow Samurai Dragon.
  • When you combine these pets, you will be shown the percentage chances of getting a Rainbow Samurai Dragon.
  • If you add more of these dragons, you will have better chances.
  • If you use 5 Golden Dragons, you will have a better chance.
  • Apart from this, you will also need to spend 1050 gems.

This brings us to the end of the guide on how you can get a Rainbow Samurai Dragon in Roblox Pet Simulator X. This powerful pet will make your team much stronger.

If you liked this article, check out our guide on how to get gold coins quickly in Pet Simulator X.