Video Game Guides

Tekken 8 Rage Art Mechanic Explained: How To Activate And Use It

Here is everything you need to know about the Rage Art mechanic in Tekken 8 and how to use it.

Tekken 8 is set to comprise new gameplay features and mechanics, with a focus on more aggressive tactics to present players with the most intense fighting game experience. The Rage Art ability, however, returns from its previous installment, along with some of the series’ iconic moves and combos. And players who are familiar with the special ability will know that delivering those powerful moves can result in a one-shot turnaround of the game.

Each fighter on the game’s large roster will have their own distinct rage state moves. However, if you haven’t played the fighting game or its earlier installments, you may find the Rage Art in Tekken 8 to be puzzling. And, since learning the series’ staple will give you the chance to deal extensive damage in a specific round, you might not want to miss out. So, if you’re wondering all about Rage Art and how to do it, then here’s a guide you should read more.

What is Rage Art in Tekken 8?

Image Source: Steam

Rage Art in Tekken 8 is a type of special ability each fighter possesses that players can use to deal powerful attacks with power-crushing properties. However, you will only be able to activate and use it while the fighter has entered a Rage State. The special move was first featured back in Tekken 7 following the introduction of the Rage State in its previous installment.

The Rage Stat simply increases the attack power once the fighter’s health is dropped below 25% and it works kind of similar to the revenge gauge features in the Street Fighter series. It is automatically triggered and can be easily spotted once the health bar turns into flames.

How to Do Rage Art in Tekken 8

Image Source: Steam

Players will first need to enter a Rage State to use the special move in Tekken 8. Once their health drops below 25% and their character is in the state, you can simply activate and use the Rage Art by using R2 on your PS5 controller and RT on your Xbox controller.

Using the special ability you will be able to deal extensive damage as well as deplete the fighter’s recoverable health in the game. That said, these special moves can be countered and since it’s available once per round, you might want to use it accordingly.

That’s everything covered in this guide. If you find this guide helpful, check out our dedicated guide on the all-new heat system in Tekken 8. And for more interesting and useful guides on the fighting game, we recommend you go through our dedicated Tekken 8 Guides section, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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