Video Game Guides

Pokemon Showdown Not Working (Fix)

Pokemon Showdown is facing a massive server issue and here's how you can troubleshoot this error.

Recently, every Pokemon Showdown player expressed their disappointment as the game was not working at all. This is acceptable as it is a browser game and hence, vulnerable to server crashes. There may be several reasons for it to happen, from your side or from developer’s side itself. So, what actually is causing this issue? What can be done to get it fixed? Here’s everything you should know about it.

Disclaimer: Please keep a note that this guide is for information purposes. This isn’t an official Pokemon Game but an online Battle Simulator. We do not promote the use of any third-party website for playing such games. 

Why is Pokemon Showdown Not Working? (Possible Fixes)

As informed by the developers themselves, the main server of Pokemon Showdown has crashed miserably. So, they need to buy and replace it with a new one. Sadly, doing so will take some time (probably some days) as the developers need to make sure that all the data is being transferred safely. However, if you still wish to try troubleshooting this error, then here are some workaround solutions for you.

Force Refresh

First things first, if your Pokemon Showdown stopped working all of a sudden (other than this server crash issue), try refreshing the website. You can do it by simply pressing CTRL + F5 on Windows or Command + Shift + R on Mac.

Clear Browser Cache

For many players, deleting temporary cache files solved the issue where Pokemon Showdown was not working. So, to clear Cache from your respective internet browser, follow these steps:

  • On Mozilla Firefox & Chrome
    • Click on the 3 dots on the top right.
    • Further, click on the Settings option.
    • From there, navigate to Privacy and Security > Clear Browsing Data.
    • Now, select Cached Files from the Advanced tab and click on Clear Data to get the job done.
  • On Microsoft Edge
    • Click on the 3 dots icon on the top right.
    • In the Setting option, select the Privacy, Search, and Services tab.
    • Now, under the Clear Browsing Data section, select Cached Files from Choose What to clear the drop-down menu.
    • Once selected, click on Clear Now.

Check Server Status

Thankfully, you can use a website known as Isitdownrightnow? to know if the Pokemon Showdown Servers are working. This website will also let you know about recent server hindrances.

That’s everything from our side on fixes to solve the issue where Pokemon Showdown is not working. If you are a fan of Pokemon Games, then you should definitely check out our Pokemon Scarlet Violet section.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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